Page 20 of Resisting Mr Black


Now I know for certain it’s out of my league.

He turns to me. “Fasten your seatbelt.”

I do as I’m told, pulling the seat belt around me while he watches. Once it’s clicked into place, he gives a satisfied nod and pulls away.

He snakes his way through the busy evening traffic. After a short while, he pulls into a side road then swings to the right and stops at a metal barrier at the entrance to an underground car park. He stretches his arm out of the window and punches a code into a keypad in the wall. The metal barrier buzzes then lifts up, and he accelerates with a screech of tyres. The roar of the engine bounces off the walls as he climbs up the first ramp onto the next level, and then the next, climbing higher and higher. At the tenth level, we stop climbing, and he steers the car sharply into a marked parking bay and cuts the engine.

I unfasten my seat belt, breathe a sigh of relief that the ride is over and climb out of the car. He gets out, locks the car with a beep of the key fob, and walks up to me.

“Does the apartment come with a parking space?” I ask, knowing that it’s just another reason why I won’t be able to afford living here.

His large hand takes up residence at the base of my spine again, and this time I don’t jump as I let him guide me towards a doorway in the wall.

“Of course,” he replies as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

We head down a flight of stairs then come to another door. He punches in a key code, removes his hand from my back and opens the door, stepping backwards to let me past with a smile. “Ladies first.”

I smile politely even though I know he’s playing with me and walk into a corridor. It’s bright and airy with dark-grey woodwork and sumptuous silver-grey carpet underfoot. Even the corridor carpet is better quality than any of the carpets in my poky little flat. His long legs overtake me, then he comes to a stop outside apartment number 101. He fishes out a key from his back pocket, slides it into the lock and pushes open the door. He flicks me a grin. “After you.”

I take a step into the apartment and come to a standstill as I take in the luxury of my surroundings. White polished marble floors stretch as far as I can see across the open-plan apartment. Grey doors lead off the short hallway in either direction but I don’t take a look at what’s behind them because my attention is pulled to the floor-to-ceiling windows, which stretch all the way round from the left to the right of the apartment affording me a stunning view of the Thames.

The early evening sunshine pours through the windows and bounces off the floor making it gleam as I walk through into the lounge and kitchen. I think I’m dreaming.

A modern low-backed, charcoal grey, L-shaped sofa sits to the left pointed towards a huge plasma TV. A six-seater glass table with trendy high-backed chairs stands between the living area and the kitchen, and a huge crystal chandelier hangs overhead, glittering in the sunlight. I run my hand across the black marble kitchen counter and scan the white, shiny, ultra-modern integrated units.

The apartment is exactly what I feared it would be. Perfect.

I wander up to the floor-to-ceiling windows and gaze down at the setting sun bouncing off the water.What a view.

“What do you think?” His deep voice rumbles from somewhere behind me.

I fold my arms and sigh wistfully. “I think it’s amazing and totally out of my price range.”

“The rent’s not an issue.”

“Money’s never an issue if you have it,” I counter, turning to find him sitting on the end of the sofa. “I’m not stupid. Look at that view.” I fling my arm in the direction of the Thames behind me. “And it’s beautifully finished. The rent will be a premium. I can’t expect your friend to do me a deal. If you looked in my file, then you’ll know what you’re paying me.”

He climbs to his feet and pushes his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “The rent isn’t a concern for him, he’d rather the place be in use than empty. He’s happy to take the same rent as you pay now.”

Hope bubbles in my chest. “Really? But why would he be willing to do that?”

“Like I said, he’s not bothered about the rent, he just wants the place occupied. He trusts me and therefore trusts you to live here without trashing the place.”

My eyes widen as I glance around the apartment and for the time consider the possibility of living here. “Will I get to meet your friend? Because I owe him one, big time.”

His broad shoulders roll into a dismissive shrug. “It’s just a guy from work.” He smiles. “Now, why don’t you take a proper look around?”

I practically skip around the rest of the apartment still unable to believe my luck. The bedroom is lovely and large with a cream and white colour scheme and huge bed. The black tiled bathroom is absolutely massive with a walk-in shower and Jacuzzi bath. I feel as though I need to pinch myself.

“This is the security system.” He taps a box on the wall in the hall next to the kitchen. “You can see whoever buzzes your door from downstairs, so it’s very secure. There’s also a concierge who monitors visitors and whom you can contact if you have any problems, and the parking is totally secure.”

Why is he suddenly so concerned about my safety?

I wander into the kitchen admiring the shiny white cupboards and glistening stainless steel hob and smile. I know I’m beaming, and I just can’t help it. I jump up onto the black marble kitchen counter and admire my new apartment. My new apartment!

He leans against the kitchen cupboard opposite. “You’re happy?”