Page 8 of Sweetheart

Mason had to admit defeat. At least for the time being.

* * * * *


He hadn’t been to his favorite spot at home in almost a month. Not since before he left to stay in the Hell realm the first time. Levi had missed his rooftop oasis but knew he couldn’t keep himself from peering over to where Mason lived.

Even now his eyes kept sweeping in the direction that he knew Mason would be as he huddled on one of his couches. Levi still didn’t understand what had happened at the diner earlier. Mason knew who he was. He’d called Levi Stone. Acting like he hadn’t told Levi to stop messaging him. Like he hadn’t broken Levi’s heart, leaving him devastated.

Pulling the soft blanket tighter around his shoulders, Levi rested his chin on his knee as he wrapped his arms around his legs.

Levi resisted transforming into his other form. He’d be warmer but he would also be stuck in transition for hours. If Mason showed up with another man at the cabin like he’d done before, there was no way Levi wanted to be locked away and have to see. The time that had happened had nearly driven Levi out of his mind.

Not that he expected Mason to be with another man just hours after hitting on Levi, but Levi wouldn’t blame him if he did. Levi had run like the coward he was.

The trapdoor from the interior of the house opened.

Levi didn’t know who was coming to check on him and didn’t know whether to wave them off.

When Gavin popped his head up from the opening, Levi was relieved. He loved all his chosen family, but he didn’t feel likeexplaining what was going on in his head. It was also getting harder to be around the mated couples when his own mate had basically told him to fuck off. The boys wanted to cheer him up, but Levi could only handle so many good intentions and inspirational talks.

Gavin was different though. Gavin would sit with him for hours and never expect Levi to talk. Usually. Gavin was also very opinionated and sometimes he made sure Levi was listening. Gavin disappeared for a moment. He reappeared and climbed onto the roof with a mug in his hand.

Levi really hoped that mug was for him.

Crossing the roof quickly to pass Levi the mug of hot tea, Gavin frowned at him.

“Thank you,” Levi told his friend.

“I figured you might be cold out here. The nights are still chilly even though spring is trying to break through.”

Levi nodded, it was chilly, but he loved his special oasis. He took a sip of the hot liquid. Mmm, the special tea that Drake made him.

Gavin sat beside him. His shoulder against Levi’s offering silent comfort. “You want to talk about it?”

He quickly shook his head.

“Okay.” Gavin shrugged. He seemed to settle in next to Levi by slouching and stretching his legs out.

It appeared that Gavin wouldn’t push Levi but also wouldn’t let him suffer all alone. Levi really did appreciate the support that he received from everyone. At least he knew that Gavinunderstood more than most the loss that Levi was feeling. Gavin might not have met his mate yet but the emptiness that Levi felt was shared by his friend. They’d filled long nights together just talking about what they were hoping to find with their mates.

Levi sipped his tea before he rested his temple on Gavin’s leather-clad shoulder. The familiar scent of leather, oil, and sweat from the older leather jacket Gavin favored was a comfort. Gavin’s natural scent of smoke, rain, and something dark was nearly hidden behind the other scents but it was there.

“Adam showed me the sketch for his tattoo. It was amazing.”

He stiffened. Levi couldn’t help it. He’d been working on the sketch for Adam. Adam’s Mate Mal had been promoted to one of the Duke’s of Hell. The symbol of his position had appeared on Mal with the promotion. Adam wanted to surprise Mal with a matching mark. It was a nice idea and Levi wanted the tattoo to be perfect. He’d finally finished it right before Mason had approached his table.

“Trouble at the shop?” Gavin growled.

Levi snorted. “No.” His friends meant well but just because Levi didn’t like confrontations didn’t mean he was helpless. If Levi needed, he could take care of himself and his business. He was a freaking guard for the family. He’d defended his family numerous times. Just because he was hurting didn’t make him weak. He was still a badass even if he often cried himself to sleep. No one needed to know that detail anyway.

“You sure?” Gavin pushed.

It appeared Gavin wasn’t going to let this go.

“I was working on the sketch when my mate approached me today,” he confessed.

Gavin nodded slowly.