Mason frowned. “There is someone walking around with a hunting rifle.”
“And you could get shot!” Levi nearly shouted.
Wow, that was sexy. No, focus! “Levi—”
Levi sighed and let go of Mason. Mason instantly felt the chill in the air. He liked having Levi’s warm hands on him. “Is there any sign where they went?”
“No. We got here too late,” Axel lied.
Mason glanced at the tree that had become his companion. Stepping closer, he narrowed his eyes until he saw the hole about five feet up the trunk. It pissed him off. Someone was either very stupid or they were up to something. It did not escape Mason’s notice that his tree had been targeted.
“Nothing I can do about it right now,” Mason admitted. “I’ll come back in the daytime to take pictures and do a report.” He had a very bad feeling that this was about him. If he put Levi in danger… No, Mason couldn’t think like that. There was no way that he would have been found. Mason had been careful. He and Jason had been working on the escape plan for years. Still, he couldn’t help but worry.
“Thanks for coming, Bo,” Axel said to the massive guy in black leather pants. “I want to get back to the boys. They’ll be worried.”
The massive man, Bo, nodded. “I’ll call you.” He walked away from the house. It wasn’t but a moment before the darkness of the woods swallowed him up.
“Levi,” Axel said as he looked toward Mason.
“I’ll walk the ranger home,” Levi said.
“Alright. Be careful. Gavin. Shawn.”
One of the men, dark hair, stained jeans with no shirt, looked at Mason with a smirk on his face before he patted Levi’s shoulder while passing them. There was a story there.
He had so many questions! Mason wasn’t stupid enough to ask them but hopefully one day Mason would know these men well enough to finally get some answers.
Levi stood silently as his friends left. Which gave Mason the opportunity to eye his man up and down. Oh! How had Mason not noticed that Levi wore nothing but a pair of soft gray sweatpants? He didn’t even have any shoes on.
So. Fucking. Sexy.
Even though goosebumps covered Levi’s arms, he was the hottest man that Mason had ever been around. And sweet. Even when he was growly and protective, the sweetness came through. Mason wanted so bad to get Levi to trust him.
“You don’t have to walk me back,” Mason said. “I know the way.” He wanted to spend more time with Levi but that wasn’t fair. Mason knew the way back and he didn’t want Levi out in the cold night for any longer than necessary.
Levi was still scowling. “It’s not safe. I’ll walk you back.”
“But it’s safe for you?” Mason challenged. He wasn’t supposed to know that Levi was paranormal after all. Plus, there was someone or more than one person out with a gun. Mason didn’t know of any paranormal who could withstand a bullet wound.
“I…” Levi faltered for a moment. “Have lived here for years. I know my way around.”
“I’ve been hiking this area every day for weeks,” Mason confessed. “I’m not exactly a novice.”
“Come on.” Levi brushed past him. His voice held no room for further argument.
Damm it! He liked it when Levi had been all concerned Daddy and worried about Mason, but it made him hot when Levi was demanding. Turning, he followed behind Levi, smiling as Levi slowed down, giving Mason a chance to catch up. It was still dark as shit out there.
“I haven’t seen you around lately,” he said to start a conversation.
Levi side-eyed him. “Were you looking?”
If only Levi knew. Mason shrugged. “I did plainly tell you that I was interested in you. I even asked you on a date!”
“No,” Levi corrected. “You said we should go on a date. You didn’t ask.”
Same thing. Mason sighed. “You’re just being difficult.”
He didn’t miss when the corners of Levi’s lips went up for a quick second. It appeared Levi wasn’t as closed off as he projected. That gave Mason’s little heart some hope.