Would I actually be able to talk anybody into releasing me even if I did encounter someone? I had never considered myself particularly persuasive.
The sound of someone in pain came from the cell to my right.
“Hello?” I called into the silence of the prison.
I only heard more agonized moaning in response.
“Are you alright?” Fear gripped my heart. I was afraid of my situation, of ending up like that person – in pain and unable to receive aid. I feared dying in this dungeon, alone and forgotten.
“Silas…” I said my husband’s name. I truly wished he would come to save me. Yet how could he possibly find me? I had no idea where I was, only that I had traveled quite a distance.
Footsteps sounded from the direction of the staircase.
I looked to my left to see three men approaching. One of them, the one at the front, had short light blonde hair. He was one of the tallest men I had ever seen, of a similar height and build to my husband – however the similarities ended there.
The man wore a cruel smile on his face and carried himself with an aura of arrogance. He wore a brown leather jacket and loose cargo pants.
When he approached my cell, he looked me up and down with a disinterested gaze. I shivered at the cold look in his eyes.
The other two men took positions behind him. Guards, maybe?
“Silas will come to get you soon enough,” the domineering man told me in a curt, sure voice. “I have informed him of your whereabouts.”
A wave of relief washed over me. I gripped the bars tightly, suddenly feeling faint. Then, however, doubt crept into my heart.
Was I really important enough to my husband for him to come and get me from this terrible place? I had ruby blood, but so did many others. I could be replaced. I wasn’t great at being a Princess anyway. Maybe Silas regretted picking me and would just use this opportunity to find another wife?
The cruelty of the man’s smile only increased when he saw the emotional turmoil on my face. “You don’t believe you’re important enough for Silas to rescue you?”
I swallowed hard, but I didn’t feel ready to lie right now. As unsettled as I was, I wouldn’t be able to convince anybody of my importance. “N-No…We’ve only been married for a few weeks…”
“That’s enough time for a man to grow fond of his wife,” my captor chuckled. “I never thought Silas Hoyt would actually care about another being, but my informants tell me he is rather fond of you.”
I blinked a few times. Why would this man think such a thing when Silas had barely even spoken to me since our wedding?
“He comes to your room while you sleep to watch over you, you know. The spy I planted amongst the palace’s servants said so. He also has your attendants report to him about everythingyou do,” the man said with a gleam of amusement in his eyes. “He is rather fond of you. He cares enough for my purpose.”
My eyes widened when I heard his words, and my heart warmed. So Silas did care. He was keeping an eye on me, and the only reason he hadn’t spent time with me himself was because he really was busy. He wasn’t avoiding me on purpose.
Maybe he did want me around enough to rescue me?
“A truly funny pair you are,” my kidnapper laughed.
“Who are you?” I finally found my voice. It creaked and broke when I spoke, so I cleared my throat and went on. “What do you want with me?”
“I’m Logan Sherman, my lady,” he gave me a mocking bow. “The King of Rosworth. And what I want is to trade you for an important promise to me. Your kidnapping is nothing personal – at least, not officially. I have captured you for purely political reasons. Rest assured no harm will come to you as long as Estone complies with my demands.”
“But…” I said, confused. “Rosworth and Estone have a peace treaty. Aren’t you afraid of breaking it by capturing me?”
“Bigger matters are at stake, and there would have been far more dire consequences hadI not kidnapped you. Trust me, once Estone abides by my simple request, you will be released and all will be well.”
I was still confused, but I nodded. What else could I do?
“You just wait here patiently. Your husband should request your release soon,” Logan gave me another dishonest smile.
I bit my lip. “Alright.”
I could do nothing else but believe that Silas would come for me soon.