He had to be the largest man I had ever seen – easily 6 feet 4 inches – and the most muscular one, his bulging muscles clearly visible under the black leather jacket and tight-fitting black pants. However, the most important feature of note had to be his hotness, which was beyond words. The features of his face were made harsh by a hawkish nose and pronounced cheekbones. This face was not one many would call handsome, but to me he looked incredible.
I felt immensely drawn to our guest; there was a pull I had never experienced towards anybody else before.
I got the feeling that I had seen this person before. I couldn’t place where though. Curious.
The man’s skin was pale, but only when he opened his lips and I saw his fangs did I connect the dots. This wasn’t an ordinary human man, but a vampire.
“Grace Milton?” A baritone voice asked me.
I loved the timbre and the way he said my name. He had a voice I could listen to for ages.
My mind fuzzy with the attraction and lust towards this man, I could only nod.
“You’ve tested positive for ruby blood,” the vampire said as if the news were the most obvious thing in the world.
My mouth gaped open. I had ruby blood? How was it possible? I was just a Milton, a girl from a poor background – not a member of one of the prominent human Families of Estone. How could I, of all people, be the first commoner in decades to test positive?
The vampire’s expression didn’t change. He had an aura of calmness to him but also darkness with his deep gaze and the lack of a smile. His demeanor pulled me towards him like a magnet yet warned me of danger at the same time.
He waited patiently for me to calm down and process the information, not bothered by my shock one bit.
“Wait, why did you come with this information in person? Wasn’t the Estone Testing Facility supposed to just call me?” I arched my eyebrows. “The nurses didn’t tell me the procedures would be different if I tested positive. Who are you?”
He had come to my doorstep, and knew my name… however, he didn’t look like a member of the facility’s staff. I hadn’t seen anybody like him when I had gone in for testing. I would have remembered this man who was making such a strong impression on me.
Also, I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d seen the vampire before? My mind went through faces of people I knew, but I couldn’t connect him to any name.
Why did I think I had met him before? I had never dealt with any vampires while leading my quiet life. The only opportunity when I might encounter them was when they passed me on the street, but they didn’t frequent this area of the capital where poor and average humans lived. Our blood wasn’t of any interest to them, and they didn’t need groceries from us either.
“I’m Silas Hoyt,” the man said in the same baritone voice, his expression not changing.
I yelped, covering my mouth.
He was the Silas Hoyt – the first prince and heir to the throne of Estone? A royal vampire stood here before me? Now I knew where I had seen him before – on the covers of magazines and on TV. The realization froze the blood in my veins.
He was a hundred-and-twelve-year-old vampire and a hero of the last war between Estone and the neighboring country of Rosworth; a brutal, cold and ruthless man who had no mercy for his enemies – a dangerous killer.
He stood in front of me, unfazed by my reaction. This man was the richest person in the country, followed everyday by paparazzi who wanted to learn every single detail of his life. I took a look behind him but all I saw was a black limousine that looked brand new and another vampire, dressed like a butler, standing in front of the passenger door.
No photographers in sight. No cameras. So I wasn’t on some prank or reality show titled ‘A Poor Human Woman Meets the Richest Vampire in Estone’.
Here I was lusting after the worst man I could possibly want to pursue. I couldn’t long to be intimate with a person who ruthlessly killed his enemies.
So then why, when I took another look at his face, did I suddenly realize that his identity didn’t change the attraction I felt towards him at all?
I must be going insane.
“Alright then, Mr Hoyt,” I put my hands on my hips, trying to show a brave front. He still hadn’t explained why he had come to my doorstep.
The vampire raised a hand, interrupting me. “Just Silas will do.”
“Okay, Silas,” I felt strange addressing his royal highness so personally, but I couldn’t refuse his request – not with our social status difference. “For some reason you know I have ruby blood, and you have come to my home to… do what, exactly?”
“I want you to marry me.”
Even when he said these words that tilted my whole world on its axis, his tone and expression didn’t change.
I blinked once, then twice. I looked past Silas again to make sure there really wasn’t anybody filming this moment. Nobody was there though. It was just me and Silas and that butler standing at the door of his car.