A surge of possessiveness rushed through me. I wanted to see Grace and dance with her again.
When I had held her fragile form in my arms and led her through the steps, I had remembered once again how much I had used to love dancing before the war. Ever since the events of twenty years ago though, everyone avoided getting near me. Nobody wanted to dance with me. All I ever got were polite refusals until I finally stopped asking altogether.
Dancing with Grace, moving to the rhythm of music for the first time after so many years, had made me feel alive.
Grace made me feel alive.
The feeling meant a lot to me, an undead being.
I strode over to the table next, but didn’t find Grace in her seat either.
“Have you seen Grace?” I asked Mom.
She gave me a puzzled look. “I thought you two were dancing.”
“I had to leave her an hour ago to listen to a report from Luke. Do you mean she never returned to the table?” I stared at Mom, wide-eyed.
Dad spoke up. “No, we haven’t seen her since then.”
“Strange. Where could she be?” Fear crept up my heart; fear that something bad had happened to Grace.
“How about the gardens? The night isn’t the warmest for humans, but it’s still not too cold to go for a quick stroll,” Mom pointed out.
I thought about how rattled Grace had been by the situation with Lord William. Maybe she wanted to clear her head?
“I’ll ask the guards,” I said.
“I’ll go with you,” Father said.
We shared a worried look. If he wanted to help personally, it meant he didn’t have a good feeling about the situation either.
“I need to stretch my bones.” He gave Mom a loving look. “Entertain the guests while I’m away?”
“Of course,” Mom smiled, but I noticed the worry etched in her expression.
My stomach plummeted. I instantly imagined all the bad situations that could have happened to Grace. I had so many enemies. Of course now that I had a wife they would target her, a weak human, instead of me.
As we walked towards the exit to the terrace, Dad put his hand on my arm.
“Don’t panic just yet. Maybe she’s just out stargazing.”
I nodded, though I didn’t think Grace would stay out in the cold looking at stars for an hour.
What did I know about her though? About what she liked or didn’t like?
Nothing, that’s what.
I had stayed away from her the past few days because I was scared about the intensity of the feelings I had towards her.
I longed for Grace. I wanted to be close to her. I wanted her in my arms, moaning in ecstasy.
What I felt towards her wasn’t just a want for her ruby blood. I didn’t just desire to possess her because her blood was the most delicious drink I’d ever had.
I cared for Grace as a person.
Now I didn’t know where she was, the thought of losing her terrified me. It chilled me to the bone.
I had to find her, and then I would hold her in the safety of my arms and never let her go.