I laughed. “I like the sound of that.”

The song ended, and we bowed to each other.

“Care for a break?” Silas gave me a worried look. “We’ve been dancing for five songs straight.”

Come to think of it, I was a little tired. “Sure, let’s go to the beverage table.”

We came to the table where two rows of drinks stood – bloodwine for the vampires and normal wine for humans. A waiter made sure to serve everyone the appropriate drinks so there wouldn’t be any mix-ups. Silas and I each got a drink then stood off to the side.

I had to admit, I no longer felt like I was merely a poor human who didn’t fit in this court of vampires. The academic, social, and practical knowledge I had gained from my tutors had allowed me to gain a lot of personal confidence as well. Now I could hold a conversation about history, I knew the proper etiquette for eating at the banquet table, I could dance and embroider and play piano and sing. I was very much suited to be the Princess these days.

My strongest source of confidence in my abilities though came from the love my husband gave me. The affection Ireceived from him made me certain that I was the right person and in the right place. If Silas supported me, I could be the Princess of Estone. I could manage to go through hell and back as long as he was by my side. I had grown a lot since meeting him. I had changed, and all for the better.

The love I gave Silas had changed him too. He was more relaxed now and more sure of where he stood in the vampire court following his recent victory. The events in our lives had transformed us both into two people confident in their love for one another. With the love we felt, it was like we could move mountains if we had to.

I hoped that only peace lay ahead of us for the rest of our future together. I would have a long life alongside the man I loved. Centuries of love and happiness awaited me, and I welcomed them with open arms.

After a few minutes, two people came our way, two vampires we really welcomed – Lukas and Ruth.

“I never officially congratulated you on your mating,” Ruth said. “So let me say it now: I’m so happy that you have bonded. I’m looking forward to your long life at the Prince’s side, Grace.” She gave me a wide smile.

“Congratulations, you two,” Lukas flashed his charming smile too. “I’m so happy for you. Especially you, man. I hope you’ll forever be this relaxed.”

Silas arched his eyebrows. “And you want me to be this… ‘relaxed’ because?”

“Because you’ll be easier to work with, why else?” Lukas chuckled.

Silas frowned. “I’m normally not easy to work with?”

“You’re cold and grumpy,” Lukas laughed out loud. “So of course you’re not.”

Silas huffed. “Luke, you wound me.” He put a hand against his chest, but I saw the laughter in his eyes.

Lukas smiled a wide grin. “Someone has to bring you down a peg. Do you see the court around you? Many people now fear to approach you – the same people who used to dare whisper behind your back, now have to put you up on a pedestal because your actions stopped the war much more quickly than anybody expected.”

“It was a short war,” Silas admitted. “But I’d rather not talk about it. What’s done is done. The war is over. May we be at peace for many years to come.”

“Indeed,” Ruth nodded. “War is such an ugly time. I’m glad this one lasted only a few weeks.”

“I’m glad Athalis joined us this time,” Silas said. “If not – the pointless battles would have gone on for many more months.”

“There’s something else I wish to speak to you about,” Ruth changed the subject. “Something less grim. I wanted to praise the Princess for learning her role so quickly.”

I blushed when they all turned to look at me.

Silas gave me a proud glance. “Grace is as smart as she is beautiful.”

I huffed, wanting to tell him I was neither of those things. Seeing the pride in his eyes though, I couldn’t bring myself to rebuff him.

“Indeed. I’ve seen her talk to some older vampires today,” Lukas said. “She’s keeping up with them in the talks about history,” he turned to Ruth. “An achievement accomplished thanks to your excellent teaching, I presume?”

Ruth nodded humbly. “I was her history teacher, but the success of the achievement is all thanks to Grace’s effort. It was a true pleasure instructing her. She always asked me questions and was eager to learn. Truly, I couldn’t have had a better pupil.” She too gave me a proud look.

I blushed even harder.

“But look at the time,” Silas suddenly said, glancing at the clock above the room entrance. “It’s almost midnight.”

“And?” Lukas asked, confused.