“Baby, I’m six-foot-four and two hundred and sixty pounds. I don’t fit in most commercial planes that fly regional hops.”

“Oh.” I frown. “Really?”

He laughs even harder. “Yeah.”

Then he kisses the top of my head. “So you like it?”

“I love it.” I wriggle out of his grasp. “Is your bedroom nice?”

“It’sourbedroom now, and yeah.” I catch a glimpse of a crooked smile before I dart into the hallway and up the stairs. “It’s pretty nice,” he hollers after me.

He’s not wrong.

There are a lot of rooms up here, so it takes me a minute to find the one that’s clearly for us. The first two rooms have beds in them, regular-sized ones, so they clearly aren’t Tricks. Then there’s a gym, and an empty room. But the door after that leads into a massive space dominated by an equally massive bed. It looks the same size as his bed in Florida. On the other side of it is a big window seat, and a door that goes into a bathroom.

I turn around as he appears in the doorway from the hall. “You like?”

“Do you have a nice shower?” I peel my shirt off and toss it in the direction of a whicker basket. “We can do the rest of the tour tomorrow. Right now…I want you to wash my back and tell me just how terrible winter is here.”

He starts stripping down, too, his big, brawny body coming into view.

Mmm, I do love looking at him.

“We’ll get you the best parka in the world.” He scoops me into his arms and I sink my hands into his hair. We kiss as he navigates us into the bathroom.

I think it’s as nice as advertised. I don’t really know. All I really see is Trick, big and hairy and strong in front of me. I see his smile, and his hands, and his cock.

He starts the shower, then herds me into it.

This is my life. This is my love. This is my everything, for tonight, and tomorrow, and every day that follows. Every long, dark night and every bright, beautiful sunset will be here with this man, and I cannot wait.

“How many bedrooms do we have to fill here?” I ask, gasping as he pushes me up against the tile and pushes his fingers between my legs.

“Four to start. We can put an addition.” He groans when he finds me already wet. “Are you ready for me?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

“Need to be sure.” He sinks to his knees, his gaze dark. He lifts one of my thighs and hooks it over his shoulder. “Gotta taste you to be sure.”

“What does ready taste like?” I pant, squirming against his tongue.

He smiles, half-hidden against my body.

I feel his reply as much as I hear it over the steamy spray. “It’s just one of those things. You know it when you lick it.”

I tip my head back and laugh.

“That’s it,” he mumbles. “Yes, give Daddy that slick. You’re almost there. That’s my girl. That’s my sexy little girl. Bloom for my tongue, and I’ll give you my seed.”

I arch my back, the cold tile and the hot steam teasing all my nerve endings. But nothing affects me more than the big, hungry bull tongue between my pussy lips.

And when he surges to his feet, looming over me, and he gathers me in his arms, I’m struck with another wave of that feeling that washed over me downstairs.

This is it. This is home.

“I’m ready,” I whisper.

He pushes his cock into me and crashes his mouth down on mine. I can taste myself, slick and tangy and sweet on his tongue.

I’m so, so ready.

* * *