Fuck. “That’s not how it should have gone.”

She laughs.

Laughs, while I’m fucking her. Laughs while I’m holding her face, my fingers covered in her spit.

My fearless Sinclaire.

“Maybe I should get on my knees again now,” she whispers. “I love the taste of you,Daddy.”

The bratty goading drives me insane. I shove the two fingers back into her mouth. "You’re a hungry little slut, aren’t you? Wish you could swallow Daddy's cock right now, but you can't, because it's buried in your tight little cunt. So God damn snug, I'm not gonna be able to pull out until you milk me. Is that what you want? Swallow my fingers if you want Daddy to breed you."

Her tongue convulses against my fingers, her lips tightening as she pulls hard.

And as if on command, my balls tighten up. I thunder my hips into her, my vision going black.Can’t come, can’t come, can’t?—

But then I am, and I grunt through it like a wounded animal following prima instinct—“Take it, take my seed, take my baby”—and it’s not fucking sexy at all, except for when I feel her start to spasm around me.

Her limbs hold me close, tight arms and legs wrapped all around my body, as my release triggers hers.

“Come in me,” she breathes. “Give me our baby.”

All the air in my lungs is ripped out as I hear her shift it toourbaby.

I bury my face in her neck and breathe in her scent.

“God damn it,” I finally whisper. “I lost control there.”

“Good.” She kisses my temple. “Hey, how do we clean up from this?”

I start laughing, my whole body shaking. “I don’t know.”

“Cool.” She giggles.

“I’ll go find you a cloth.”


I kiss her jaw, then the corner of her mouth. “I love you, Sinclaire. I’m going to love learning how to love you even more, too.”

“That’s a lot of love.”

“I’ve been saving it up, you see.”

“Yeah, you…” She presses her palm to my cheek. “You really haven’t given anyone else all of…” She gestures up and down me. “This?”

I shrug. “I stopped trying to find what I craved, deep down, a long, long time ago. Something told me I wasn’t going to find it. Turns out, I just needed to wait for you to grow up, didn’t I?”

“And then some.”

“And then some,” I agree. “I know you’re not a little girl. You’re smart and you’ve achieved a lot. You’re going to do a lot more, too. Do you want to keep going in school? Become Dr. Sinclaire Lowry?”

She laughs. “You keep talking around this wholegonna ask me to marry you thinga lot for a man who has jumped straight to putting a baby in my belly.”

“I’m an extraordinarily capable multitasker. I can plan a wedding and build a nursery at the same time.”

“And what am I doing in this time?”

My hand smoothes over her still-trembling belly. “Making me a Daddy for real.”