“Shhh...It’s okay.” My voice is thick like honey. I’d talk her into anything right now. Last minute fears only feed my desire, because I’m sure I can soothe them with pleasure. “You need this inside you, don’t you?”
She doesn’t answer.
I rub the crown against her slick entrance, fitting us together—just barely. I look huge against soft flesh. Dangerous.
“You need this,” I repeat.
A fraught, innocent pause. How can she know for sure that she needs something she hasn’t experienced before? Instinct only, and we’re taught to second guess that. But then she gasps and gives the tiniest of nods.
I push in, her wet folds stretching around the crown of my cock in a tight embrace that feels so incredible I could nut just like this, working into her for the first time.
Her breath catches, her lips part, and her eyes flare wide.
I don’t get more than an inch or two in before she’s too tight to continue. If she hadn’t told me she was a virgin, I’d know it now, from the panic racing across her face and the tight, desperate tension rocketing through her untouched body.
Which…fuck…that shouldn’t feel so electrically good for me.Bastard.
“Let me in, baby,” I croon. “You feel so good. You’re so wet for Daddy, aren’t you? You begged me for this. You felt empty.”
“Too big,” she pants.
And I’m getting bigger by the second, stretching her open. “You make me this big,” I promise her. “Only for you.”
Bracing myself on the bed, I battle my worst instincts to take take take, and ease back instead. She exhales in relief. Just the tip is inside her, her pink flesh stretched wide around it, and it feels incredible.
“Never felt so good in my entire life,” I promise her, and it’s the truth.
I rock in and out, tiny little thrusts, while she catches her breath.
Then I push deeper again, and again she tenses up.
I don’t want her to fear this at all.
Easing out, I take her hand and put it low on her belly. “Is this where you feel empty?”
She nods, her breathing still ragged and rough.
I push in, getting deeper again, more of my cock getting wet on this thrust than before, and fuck fuck fuck, yes that’s it, she feels so good, and I want to take her, all of her. I want to fall on her and into her and love her so hard, fill her up with so much love she forgets how difficult this first time feels.
“Push your hand down, baby,” I rumble. “Feel me. Feel me moving inside you.”
She squirms, but does as I tell her, and when she presses down, her slim hips lift up, changing the angle, and her body gives way.
Her mouth falls fully open, crying out a silent scream as I thrust all the way deep.
I scoop my arms around her, cradling her now as she adjusts to having me fully inside. “Feel me filling you up,” I whisper hotly against her hair. “You're never gonna be empty ever again. I promise you.”
“Oh God,” she pants. “Trick!”
“Keep breathing.”
Her head rolls back, baring her throat, and I kiss her there until her pulse stops fluttering like she could take flight. Then I lift my head enough to hold her gaze as I start to move inside her. Taking the best care of my girl. Making love to her for the first time. Her eyes go hazy and unfocused, and then start to burn with a newfound lust.
Around my cock, her pussy is so soft now, still tight as fuck, but pillowy perfection, taking everything I’ve got.
I stay wrapped around her until she’s moaning for me on every thrust, and then I rear up, gripping her waist first, then her hips, and finally wrapping my hands around her thighs as I pound her harder than I imagined I ever could, giving her every inch of me.
It’s still making love, because holy shit do I love this girl, this woman. But it’s the fuck she begged me for, too.