‘All this talk here today … you didn’t bat an eye. Doesn’t it ever freak you out?’

‘It has,’ she acknowledged. ‘And I’ve seen some terrible things. There were certainly moments when I wasn’t sure my son would come back. He disappeared formonthsthat one time, remember?’

Nico nodded. ‘Yeah, I was the first Half-Blood camper to find him in Camp Jupiter after he was swapped with Jason Grace.’

‘But at the same time he’s part of something wonderful now and, honestly, that makes it a lot easier.’

‘Part of what?’ asked Will, rubbing blue crumbs from the corners of his mouth.

‘Did you leave any for me?’ Nico said.

Will just smiled.

‘Percy’s part of a great big family,’ said Sally. ‘He’s got friends like you and Will, and many others across the globe. And all of you, at a moment’s notice, would do everything in your power to save the people you love. What more could a mother ask for?’

As Will and Nico left Sally Jackson’s home, Nico kept thinking about Sally’s words.


I guess Camp Half-Blood is basically one big super-dysfunctional family, he thought.

He wasn’t sure what awaited him and Will in the coming days, but he grabbed Will’s hand as they walked back to the subway. If they were going to survive Tartarus, then it was time to believe what Annabeth and Percy had told them.

They’d have to do ittogether.

After an uneventful ride south on the 6 train, Nico and Will made their way to the southernmost edge of Central Park. Some of the leaves on the trees were beginning to turn yellow, and a light breeze rustled them. Joggers and cyclists zipped along the main road as Nico guided Will towards the woodland. When Nico stopped in front of a large grouping of boulders made up of Manhattan schist, Will raised an eyebrow.

‘Where do we go next?’ he asked.

Nico pointed at the rocks. ‘Through there.’

Will regarded the giant grey slabs. ‘Am I missing something? Nico, they’re just rocks. What are we supposed to do?’

‘Oh,Iam not doing anything,’ said Nico proudly. ‘I need you to sing.’

Will looked around him. ‘Is this a prank? Did you and Mr D come up with this? Are there hidden cameras?’

‘I’m honoured that you think I’m capable of orchestrating a prophecy to pull off such a thing, but, no, this isn’t a joke. This is theliteralDoor of Orpheus.’

‘Oh,’ said Will. Then: ‘Oh. So it’s …’

Nico nodded. ‘One of the only remaining secret entrances into the Underworld.’

‘Which Orpheus opened with music,’ said Will.

‘Exactly,’ said Nico. ‘You think you could give it a try?’

Will took a deep breath. ‘Yeah, I can. And then … that’s it?’

‘That’s it,’ Nico agreed. ‘Our journey can begin.’

Will turned around slowly, taking in the gorgeous Central Park trees that rose above them. ‘I don’t know how long this adventure is going to take,’ he said as he spun, ‘so first I just want to get a last look at everything. To recharge my internal battery.’

‘You’re cute when you’re nervous.’ Will came to a stop, and Nico reached out to bring him into a hug. When they let go, Nico said, ‘We’re going to be fine. Just keep in mind what Percy and Annabeth said. We’ll stick close together, okay? I know the Underworld well.’

‘I’m not that worried aboutyou,’ said Will. ‘I’m more freaked out about howI’mgoing to react. It’s going to be dark, scary. I’ll be surrounded by death and sadness and misery.’

‘It’s notallbad,’ said Nico. ‘Besides, our friends will help us.’