Page 161 of The Sun and the Star

‘I don’t know. I think Small Bob is the first cat to ever be part of one.’

‘Stop yourblathering!’ shrieked Nyx. ‘Children, attack them!’

The cacodemons remained still at Nico’s feet.

And so did Nyx’sotherchildren.

‘No,’ said Nemesis, and she buffed her nails on her motorcycle jacket.

‘I’d rather not,’ said Epiales, shaking their head.

Hypnos yawned. ‘I don’t really see the point.’

Nyx swung her whip around her, then cracked it at Nemesis. ‘You are the goddess of vengeance, child! Will you not fulfilmyvengeance?’

Nemesis shrugged. ‘You forget that I am more than that, Mother.’

‘No, you arenot!’

Nemesis unzipped her red leather jacket and let it fall to the ground. As she did so, her eyes blazed, and then shechanged. Seconds later, the spitting image of Zeus towered over Nyx.

‘I am also the goddess ofbalance, Nyx!’ she cried, her eyes glowing brighter. ‘Vengeance is aboutbalance. There is no retribution without it.’

She raised a hand and, out of the shadows, she pulled herownwhip.

‘Whatbalanceis restored by imprisoning the Titan?’

She cracked the whip, and Nyx actuallyflinched.

‘Whatbalanceis preserved by forcing Nico to remain here? How is it fair for you to take his deepest, darkest fears and traumas and give themlife?’

Nyx sputtered but was unable to speak.

Nemesis returned to her original form, then spat on the ground. ‘I am not one to be ordered around,’ she said. ‘I only help those who need me, and youdefinitelydon’t.’

‘Hypnos!’ Nyx screamed. ‘Send them all into slumber! And you, Epiales, curse them with nightmares!’

The minor god and the demon traded a quick look.

‘Nah, I’m good,’ said Hypnos. ‘I don’t see how that would help.’

‘You dare defy me?’ She glared at Epiales. ‘And what doyouhave to say for yourself?’

‘At least the demigods appreciate my talents,’ they said, then turned their back on Nyx.

‘Aaarrrrggggh!’ screamed Nyx, wheeling around to face Nico again. ‘I don’t need them. I will make you choose on my own, Nico!’

‘No, you won’t, Mother.’

Nemesis lashed out with her whip, and it wrapped around Nyx’s waist. As she cried out, Hypnos stepped forward.

‘You only use me as a weapon,’ he said. ‘A tool. You can’t see what else I’m capable of.’ He shook his head. ‘You won’t let me be anything else! Which is why you didn’t notice when I set your mansion on fire.’

Hypnos raised his right hand in front of his mother’s face as she thrashed about, as she shrieked in rage, and then …

Nyx slowed.

Her eyes flicked open, closed, open again.