‘A path that I’m guessing crosses over a dark and evil pit.’
‘You guessed right.’
Will took off his knapsack and handed it to Nico. ‘Well, if I fall off, I don’t want to take what few supplies we have with me.’
‘Will!’ said Nico, glaring. ‘Don’t say that!’
‘It’s also so I can hold on to the bag as I walk behind you, Nico.’
‘Oh.’ He frowned. ‘Okay, that makes sense.’
‘I’m notthatdramatic,’ Will said, then curled his lips in a smile. ‘That’s your job in this relationship.’
‘Oh, be quiet,’ said Nico, but he couldn’t help but grin. ‘Just hold on tight and stay directly behind me, okay?’
‘I can do that,’ said Will.
Nico sure hoped so. He gingerly approached the point where the dirt path extended out over the void. As he got close, Will gently tugged on the bag.
‘You okay, Will?’ he asked.
Will hesitated. ‘I can hear the pit. Speaking to me, that is.’
‘Ignore it. Or at least try.’
‘It’s telling me to jump.’
‘Well … don’t?’
Will actually laughed at that. ‘I have no plans to.’
The toe of Nico’s boot inched over the edge. For a moment, he wondered if the path was an illusion, if as soon as he took a step forward, he’d plummet into Chaos, dragging Will with him.
‘Just hold on,’ he said.
One foot in front of the other. That’s what he had to focus on. He shook off his nerves and began walking. Each step was intentional and careful, and soon he was firmly above a void that did not end. Nico did his best to steady his shaky knees while crossing this perilous tightrope. He kept his eyes locked on the doorway ahead – if he looked down, he’d probably lose it and pitch over the side from vertigo. He inched closer and closer, and every so often Will pulled down on the bag to keep his own balance.
As they neared the doorway, Nico saw that it, too, was swirling with darkness. Pinpricks of starlight gleamed through the passage. Then the darkness spun away, and Nico spotted something new beyond it.
‘Nico,’ said Will. ‘Oh, gods,Nico.’
Will could see it, too.
Nico reached for the stone arch of the doorway only to shriek as it gave way and hundreds of black beetles crawled over his hand and up his arm. Oh, gods, he’d forgotten what this place was madeof! He jerked back hard,toohard, and the backpack crashed into Will. Nico moved with the speed of lightning, whipping around and snatching the front of Will’s hoodie as he started to fall backwards.
The fabric stretched.
He heard the seams tearing.
‘Nico!’ Will cried out, and he grabbed Nico’s arms for support.
Nico yanked him up and caught him in an embrace, tears pouring down his face. He held Will tight there at the end of the path as the void begged Nico to let go, to give over the son of Apollo.
‘I got you,’ he breathed into Will’s ear. ‘I got you.’
After a moment, the two of them turned towards the doorway, and there was no hesitation any longer. They both ran through the arch, and there, on the other side of it, pulsing and shaking, was an enormous regeneration pod. Its fleshy membrane was practically clear, and inside, struggling within a yellowish goo, was Bob the Titan.