‘Terrifying,’ he said. ‘The whole dining pavilion went silent, and I remember standing up and clearing my throat, and then I didn’t say anything for like … half a minute. And then … it was like a dam had broken. I justtalked.’

Will nodded. ‘I remember you being kinda defensive at first,’ hesaid. ‘Telling us all that you knew everyone talked about you, that you knew you hadn’t been around all that much. It was like … like you were anticipating every possible argument or criticism.’

Nico’s eyes welled with tears. ‘But none of those worst-case scenarios happened. Instead, I told the whole camp I was gay, that I was sick of hiding the truth, that I liked Will Solace and wanted to go on a date with him. And there were no meteor showers or explosions. No mass exodus from Camp Half-Blood.’

He turned to Will. ‘Do you remember what you said, Night Light?’

Will rolled his eyes. ‘I do, Death Boy. I told you that you didn’t have to throw a party. I would have said yes if you’d just asked me.’

‘Again, I did not throw a party on purpose!’

‘But I didn’t know that at the time,’ said Will. ‘I was so impressed. You didn’t seem like the party type, and you’d gone through all that just to tell me you liked me? It helped, Nico.’

‘Helped what?’

‘Helped make it easier for me,’ he said. ‘To be able to say who I am. Me agreeing to go on a date with you wasn’t just me saying I thought you were cute. Which is very true!’

‘Ew, gross,’ said Nico, but he couldn’t suppress his smile.

‘It was my chance to stop hiding as well.’ Will’s glowing skin brightened. ‘Do you know how many others have felt comfortable coming into their own because of you, Nico?’

‘What? What are you talking about?’

‘Paolo. Malcolm Pace. Jake Mason. And it’s not just in Camp Half-Blood! Piper is just as thankful for you as the others. None of them would have been able to be out if you hadn’t gone first.’

Heat rose in Nico’s cheeks. He hadn’t ever thought of it that way – he’d just been trying to be himself.

‘We often don’t see the effects we have on others,’ said Gorgyra. ‘In the moment, all that matters is ourselves. But you, Nico di Angelo … Do you not see what you are surrounded by?’

The whispers rose again, and this time Nico sensed a desperation in them.

No, that wasn’t right.

It wasenvy.

‘Come,’ she said, rising from her rocky seat. ‘I have promised you a boat, and you have given me more than enough stories.’

Nico helped Will stand, and his boyfriend swayed a bit before steadying himself against Nico.

Gorgyra’s silver eyes seemed sad. Did she not want them to go? Nico imagined that this had to be hard for her, knowing her nature, and a burst of pity hit him.

He glanced over at Will, who had stopped glowing. Even so, he definitely looked better than he had before they’d begun telling stories. Nico examined the gauze on Will’s leg. The bleeding seemed to have stopped.

Nico didn’t quite understand it, but the stories had somehow accelerated Will’s healing.

They walked towards the river, Will limping. Before they reached the shore, Will stumbled. Nico sat him down on at the edge of the dock. Maybe another story would help?

‘Hey.’ He put his face close to Will’s. ‘Do you remember the first time you kissed me?’

Nico raised his hand to the bull-man. ‘Menoetes, meet Will,Screech-Bling andHiss-Majesty. Everyone else, this is Menoetes.’

Menoetes grabbed his horns and started jumping up and down in excitement. ‘Oh, the godsdefinitelyanswered my prayers today! I’ve been waitingagesfor a demigod to show up, and now I actually getNico di Angelo?’

Will’s jaw dropped open. Nico reached over and gently shut it. The troglodytes, however, didn’t seem fazed at all.

‘Greetings, Menoetes!’ said Screech-Bling proudly. ‘We have not actually met before, but I amScreech-Bling, the CEO of the troglodytes, at your –SHRIEK– service! And this is my comrade,Hiss-Majesty.’

Hiss-Majesty bowed, doffing their cheese hat with great finesse.