Page 179 of The Sun and the Star

‘No, not really,’ she said. ‘I think he’s just had a hard time seeing me as one person, then having to accept that I’m something else. To be honest, evenIstruggle with that.’

‘Struggle with what?’

‘Well,’ said Piper, shifting in her chair, ‘I really loved Jason. I was genuinely attracted to him. So suddenly realizing I was attracted to a girl was a bit of a shock to me, too. Dad doesn’t have a problem with that atall. He told me that if he had even an inkling of homophobia in him he couldn’t have worked in a place like Hollywood. Almost no one there is straight.’

Nico laughed. ‘So … is it a label thing?’

‘Yeah, I guess. Like, I thought I was straight, and I’m clearly not. But … does that make me bi? Pan? If I never find another man attractive again, does that mean I’m a lesbian?’

Nico didn’t answer at first. ‘I think, after what I just went through,’ he said eventually, ‘the best thing I can say to you is that we are not only one thing forever. We’re allowed to change at any point in our lives. We don’t have to be stuck with a label someone else assigns us. Gods, we don’t even have to stick to a label we giveourselves. So, you can be bi or pan or a lesbian or queer, and tomorrow you may have a better sense of who you are, or tomorrow you can be a big ole queer mess and figure it out fifty years from now.’

‘I should tell my dad that the next time he asks,’ she said, laughing. She put on her best imitation of Tristan McLean. ‘“Piper, dear, how should I describe your relationship?” “Well, Father, I am a big ole queer mess.”’

Nico guffawed, maybe for the first time in his life. ‘Perfect.’

After they spoke for a few more minutes, Shel popped her head back into the room and said something inaudible.

‘I gotta go, Nico,’ said Piper. ‘We’re going on a long hike today, and we need to be on the trails soon or it’ll be a billion degrees while we’re out there.’

‘Hope you have fun,’ he said. ‘The very idea of hiking even one yard makes me want to perish, but you do you.’

She giggled and waved. ‘Don’t be a stranger, Nico di Angelo.’

‘It was nice meeting you!’ Shel said.

He waved goodbye to them, and the Iris-message evaporated.

Nico lay back on the bed, relief coursing through him. He’d been afraid of what Piper’s reaction would be to him calling out of the blue, but he now knew that he’d had no reason to be so anxious. Ofcourseshe was going to understand complicated reactions to grief! But that was what Nico had to work on – always anticipating the worst.

Maybe he should bring that up with Mr D. Nico would be interested in talking further with the director about Tartarus, but even more so if they could come up with other things Nico could do to help his mind.

Being so open to change now … well, it scared Nico. But it also thrilled him.

He hadn’t intended to, but he quickly slipped into a dreamless, exhausted sleep.

Nico awoke suddenly and in a panic.

Oh, no, he thought. Will! I told him I would meet him!

He wasn’t sure what time it was when he bolted from his cabin, but it was stillverybright outside, and there wasn’t quite as much of a crispness to the air. He rubbed his eyes as he crossed the clearing to the Apollo cabin, rushing past the hearth in the centre. When he shoved the front door open, he realized he should have knocked first, especially since he was met with the shocked faces of Kayla and Austin over Iris-message.

‘Nico!’ Austin called out. ‘Oh, we’re so glad to see you!’

‘Where are the Cocoa Puffs?’ asked Kayla, eyes wide. ‘I really want to seethem.’

Nico glanced over at Will, who shrugged. ‘Last I saw, they were still fast asleep in the dining pavilion.’

‘Later, then,’ Nico told the two demigods. ‘You guys mind if I talk with Will?’

‘Oooooh,’ said Kayla in a sultry voice. ‘Howromantic.’

‘Shut up, Kayla,’ said Will, grinning. ‘I’ll talk to you both soon, okay?’

Nico waved to them as the Iris-message dissipated, then joined Will on his bed. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I meant to come immediately after talking to Piper, but I passed out as soon as I was done.’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Will said. ‘I knew you’d come back.’ He grabbed Nico’s hand. ‘So, Piper … Everything okay?’

‘Yes,’ said Nico, smiling widely. ‘Very much okay.’