Page 125 of The Sun and the Star

Nico leaned over and kissed Will’s temple. ‘Yeah, I do.’

‘I thinkweare doing well,’ Will said. ‘You realize we basically just had our first real fight, right?’

Nico raised an eyebrow at Will. ‘Did we?’

‘I don’t know. Things felt a little intense before I fell asleep.’

‘They did,’ said Nico. ‘I was annoyed. And scared. And confused.’

Will cuddled closer. ‘Me, too, Nico. And it’s like this place is pushing us to that point.’

‘Yeah. It … It does that.’ He went quiet. ‘And I think it’s worse when you’re alone.’

Will sighed. ‘I’m really sorry I left you.’

Nico leaned away. ‘No, no, that’s not what I was referring to. I was talking about the time I was here before.’

‘Oh,’ said Will, and his face fell. ‘It’s one thing to hear you talk about it and another to actuallyexperienceit. You were in Tartarus for days! I’ve been here maybe a few hours, and I’m already losing it.’

‘No, you’re not,’ said Nico. And then, much quieter: ‘Not yet, at least.’

Will pushed himself up and held out his hand. ‘Then we keep an eye on each other,’ he said.

‘Deal,’ said Nico, taking Will’s hand.

Will struggled a bit helping Nico up but brushed it off with a dismissive wave. ‘I’m fine,’ he said. ‘Just tired.’

‘This is me keeping an eye on you,’ Nico said, smirking. ‘Areyou okay?’

Will grimaced. ‘Better than before, I guess. But … I haven’t been without the sun this long in my entire life, and it’s starting to wear me down.’

Nico knelt and pulled the sun-therapy globe from Will’s knapsack. ‘Then maybe it’s time for you to recharge!’

Will laughed. ‘Oh, I’d forgotten about that!’

He took the globe from Nico and switched it on.

Nothing happened.

‘Batteries must have drained,’ he said. ‘They were new, too.’ He tossed the globe to Nico, then dug around in his bag for the second extra set he brought. But even after replacing the dead ones, the globe didn’t turn on.

Nico frowned. ‘Maybe it got damaged.’

There was a moment when Nico thought that Will was about to panic. But the son of Apollo quickly smiled and put the globe away. ‘Perhaps we should just get going, then. The sooner we find Bob, the sooner we can leave, right?’

‘True,’ said Nico. ‘But I … don’t actually know how to get out of Tartarus yet, though.’

‘We’ll figure it out later.’ Will turned around and looked out towards the boat. ‘What should we do with that?’

‘Good point,’ said Nico. ‘I’m not sure. I guess we’re supposed to take it with us? Or maybe come back to it?’

‘But we have no idea how far we’re going,’ said Will.

‘I know. I just wish I knew the way to Damasen’s hut. Where’s the swamp?’

There was a loud meow at Nico’s feet. He looked down at Small Bob, who yowled again.

‘What?’ said Nico. ‘Are you hungry? Thirsty?’