Page 107 of The Sun and the Star

Nico didn’t ask. He quickly hopped into the boat, then supported Will as he shakily climbed aboard. As they sailed away from the dock, Gorgyra watched in silence, her silhouette becoming smaller and fainter until it dissolved into the dark haze over the river, as if she had been reabsorbed into the community of lonely souls.

The current picked up speed. The white boat rocked back and forth under their legs. The roar of the waterfall got so loud it rattled Nico’s teeth.

‘I guess this is it,’ he said.

‘I guess so,’ said Will.

‘We have to go over that thing.’

‘We do.’ Will’s knuckles were white as he gripped the gunwales. ‘Like, is there a technique to riding a boat over a waterfallwithoutdying? Do we just fall into Tartarus?’

Nico shrugged. ‘Where’s Lil Nas X when you need him?’


He glared at Will. ‘Really? You’ve never seen the video for “Montero”? We’ll address that hole in your education later.’

Will laughed – maybe the only time anyone had ever laughed while sailing the River of Pain. ‘It’s a date. I like the idea that we’ll have a chance to share more stories. I’ll hold on to that … in case things get worse.’

Nico swallowed his fear. As their boat edged ever closer to the abyss, he knew there was no ‘in case’. In Tartarus, thingsalwaysgot worse.

Near the drop-off, the voices raged even louder than the water.

These were not the whispers of lonely souls, like in Gorgyra’s gown. These were angry. Resentful. Frightened. Terrified.

And they were in pain.

She made fun ofme!a voice called out.Why amIthe one being punished?

I’ll do it again. You can’t stop me. No one can.

Will clutched his ears. ‘I can’t keep them out.’

You deserve to be here, said another voice.This is where you belong.

‘Will,’ Nico said, ‘I know it seems impossible, but you have to try to ignore them.’

‘How?’ His face was scrunched up. ‘They’re soloud.’

‘Not the voices. Try to ignore the memories.’

‘What doesthatmean?’

Nico struggled to answer, but he could barely suppress his own tortured thoughts.

He saw Minos and his army of spirits sucked into a void in the floor.

He saw himself slaying Kronos’s demons in Manhattan – cutting down monster after monster with his Stygian iron sword.

He saw his sister Bianca lying in his arms as the life drained out of her … And even though this had never happened, the memory wasreal. It was exactly how he had always felt about her death: helpless, useless, completely guilty.

The voices hissed.You have killed so many. You are a murderer.

Nico tried to shake away the accusations. He held out his hand for Will.

‘The river is turning your memories against you,’ he said. ‘I know it’s awful, but … you’reWill Solace. I’ve never known anyone as good as you in my entire life. Hold on to that.’

Will shuddered. ‘If you say so.’