Page 70 of An Eye for an Eye

‘It won’t be for at least a week,’ said the stranger casually. ‘I’ll need to visit the Down and Out Club several times tobecome familiar with her routine and see just how many protection officers are involved before I can make a move.’

‘How will you let me know when the job is done?’

‘You’ll know,’ said the stranger.


After Ross had crossed Tower Bridge, he swung left and slowed down when he reached the Tower of London. He wondered if the meeting could be taking place in the Jewel Room – but surely even Faulkner wouldn’t have the gall to risk that a second time. He accelerated as he headed on towards Upper Thames Street and the Victoria Embankment, hoping the others were enjoying more success.

Paul was walking beside the river, ignoring the buskers, conjurers and street entertainers that littered the South Bank on a sunny afternoon, while his eyes never stopped roaming. But not once did he see anyone resembling Faulkner.

Jackie was driving so slowly on the other side of the river that impatient motorists held up behind her were beginning to make their presence felt, with more than the occasional blast on their horns. She ignored them as she continued her search for Faulkner, but to no avail.

Rebecca was leaning over Westminster Bridge, double checking the boats passing below her. But it was when she looked up that her eyes settled on the London Eye. She shouted, ‘In my office overlooking the river.’

She immediately contacted Chief Superintendent Warwick on her radio and told him what had been staring them in the face. William ordered the rest of the team to head for the Eye, sharpish, hoping it wouldn’t be too late.


‘Just remember one thing, Mr Faulkner,’ said the stranger as the wheel completed its circle. ‘I don’t work for the same client twice, so don’t bother to contact me again.’

Before Miles could reply, the man had jumped off the moving wheel and disappeared into the crowd, lost within moments.

Miles stepped off more cautiously and began walking in the opposite direction. When he reached Westminster Bridge, he waited for the light to turn red before he crossed the road.

‘Clocked him,’ said Rebecca over the radio, just as Faulkner reached the other side.

‘Where is he?’ asked William.

‘Outside St Thomas’s Hospital, getting into the back of his car. But he can’t be going home, because he’s travelling in the opposite direction.’

‘I can see the Rolls,’ said Jackie, coming on the line. ‘They’re driving across Westminster Bridge and are heading west.’

‘Don’t lose him,’ said William, ‘and keep your line open while I call the Commander.’


William picked up the phone.

‘Did you find out who the contract killer is?’ was the Hawk’s first question.

‘No, sir,’ replied William. ‘We think Faulkner’s office overlooking the river was the London Eye, but we didn’t spot him until after he’d got off.’

‘So the killer could be on the other side of the world by now,’ said the Hawk.

‘I don’t think it’s the killer who’s heading for the other side of the world,’ said William.


‘Faulkner’s car is heading west down the Cromwell Road, so my bet is that he’s on his way to the airport.’

‘So he’ll be out of the country when the killer strikes,’ said the Hawk.

‘Establishing an alibi,’ said William, ‘which must all be part of his plan.’

‘Then the deal must have been struck,’ said the Hawk, ‘so we’ll have to double our surveillance team. And tell Ross, while Faulkner’s away, to make sure he doesn’t let Ms Dubois out of his sight.’
