‘Booth Watson, as we all know, can be very persuasive,’ said the Hawk, as a waiter refilled his glass.
‘However, Julian, on a more pleasant note, I can now tell you that next month William will be taking my place as the unit’s new Commander.’
‘Does that mean you’ll be retiring?’
‘No, I’m being kicked upstairs.’
‘How far upstairs?’ asked Julian.
‘Assistant Commissioner in charge of public order and operational support,’ announced the Hawk.
‘Congratulations,’ said Julian, ‘but what does that actually mean?’
‘I get all the toys: horses, dogs and helicopters, which will allow me to take charge of everything,’ said the Hawk, ‘from the Cup Final at Wembley to the Queen Mother’s hundredth birthday celebrations.’
‘William has a great deal to thank you for,’ said Julian as he raised his glass.
‘That’s not a one-way street,’ said the Hawk, also raising his glass as he looked across at his protégé, who was making a small emendation to his speech while his Irish stew went cold.
When William looked up from his speech, the babble of conversation in the room revealed how much everyone was enjoying themselves. He smiled at his wife, who was chatting to Wilbur.
‘How’s Christina working out as chair?’ asked Wilbur. ‘And don’t flannel me.’
‘Like a duck to water,’ said Beth.
‘Yet another English expression I’ve not come across before,’ said Wilbur. ‘Is my wife the duck or the water?’
‘Christina is always so full of bright ideas that she wants done yesterday,’ said Beth. ‘My biggest problem is trying to keep up with her.’
‘You’re an ideal combination,’ said Wilbur, ‘madness and common sense.’
‘On the madness front, has she mentioned the opportunity we have to purchase a Frans Hals for a million?’
‘Regularly,’ said Wilbur with a sigh.
‘But if the Fitzwereable to raise the full amount,’ said Beth, ‘the Earl of Banbury has agreed to part with the painting in lieu of death duties.’
‘How appropriate,’ said Wilbur, looking across at his wife. ‘So how much is it going to cost me this time?’
‘A quarter of a million would get the ball rolling,’ said Beth.
‘I only wish you’d spoken to me earlier,’ said Wilbur, ‘as I’ve already agreed to part with half a million. You know, Beth, I should have made a prenup with the Fitzmolean before I married Christina.’
‘We are all most grateful,’ said Beth, giving him a hug.
‘And so am I,’ admitted Wilbur, as he glanced across at his wife. ‘Who would have thought Ohio Disposal would have helped build one of the great Dutch collections?’ he said, as he smiled at William.
‘Feeling nervous?’ asked James, as William pushed the speech to one side.
‘I’d rather address the Police Federation’s annual conference than my father, Beth and the twins,’ admitted William.
‘I’ve just spotted my goddaughter,’ said James, looking across the room, ‘and, of course, Peter, but who’s the young man holding Artemisia’s hand under the table?’
‘Robert Hartley.’
‘Not …’ began James.
‘Yes, he’s the son of Simon Hartley,’ said William, ‘and don’t ask me how the two of them met, because I’m not supposed to know.’