His resigned shrug was enough to tell me he was going to help, even if it meant losing a beer pong against Ander. It wasn’tthe losing that was going to suck, it was everything that would come with it.
Max’s face told me everything I needed to know in the next few minutes. He was livid, and I grew to know him enough that his fake smile left an acidic feeling in my mouth.
With every shout and celebratory victory falling from Ander’s lips as he threw the ball into our cups, Max was losing his patience.
“I’m so good,” Ander shouted as he puffed his chest.
Daisy beamed and wrapped her arms around his neck for a deep kiss. Gone was the fear and the sorrow from her eyes.
I wanted to vomit.
“I seriously can’t keep messing up just to please him,” Max muttered, as he watched my ex. “He is so fucking obnoxious, I want to punch him.”
I agreed with him. Apparently, Ander’s ego was so fragile he couldn’t handle if things weren’t his way. I remembered the many different options on how I was dragging him out of these moods. Winning was the easier one, but it wasn’t always simple finding someone who was willing to lose against him.
“Suck it, Aarons!” Ander flipped Max off as he blew on the ball, bouncing in front of the table. “You have no chance of a comeback.”
Max’s eyes lit up at the challenge, and I held my breath in worry and anticipation.
“Can I throw?” I cut in as he lifted his hand to fling the ball.
Max stared at me, and I saw the anger brewing in his dark eyes. I’ve never seen him that pissed off, despite the slow andfake smile on his lips. He was still putting up a show, but inside, he was going to flip out any second.
But I knew Max wouldn’t cause a real drama out of a stupid game. He was just tired from the comments and the whole self-inflating importance Ander was giving himself.
We had a small crowd around us, everyone watching the showdown.
“Of course, Blossom.” He handed me the ball with a quick smirk and pulled me to himself from behind. “I can help you throw,” he muttered into my ears as he walked us to the table. “Or just throw it far… the sooner this is over, the sooner I get you all to myself and we can leave this party.”
Everyone heard his words, and embarrassment crept into my cheeks as he nuzzled my neck and dropped sloppy kisses.
I pinched his arm and tried to turn in his embrace to warn him against aggregating Ander.
“Don’t worry, Aarons, you are not missing out on much. She is not worth missing out a party on.” Ander snickered with a grin.
Max’s arms grew stronger around me, and despite his ragged breathing, his words came out calm. “Oh, I’m sorry, bro. I didn’t realize you were that bad you couldn’t teach a girl how to fuck. Can’t say I have the same problem. Let me know if you need some pointers in, you know… improving your skills.”
A groan tore from Ander’s lips as I threw the ball, missing the table by a long shot.
“Hah,” my ex celebrated immediately and didn’t even offer Daisy a shot as he easily placed his own ball in our last standing beer cup. “Losers!”
Max swiped the drink before me and chugged it, before throwing the cup into the nearest trash bag.
Ander stepped around the table and met us. “You two make a great couple… two losers.”
“Real original.” Max patted his chest in a condescending way. “Enjoy your night, Sanchez.”
“Oh, I will.” He grinned, pulling Daisy and kissing her in an aggressive and sloppy way.
Max ducked his head, clearly unable to watch as he tugged on my hand and laced our fingers. “Let’s get the fuck away from here.”
I nodded, leaving behind my sister and my ex. At least I helped with Ander’s mood a bit, and he wasn’t going to be rude to her. Or not as rude as he could get when he was moody. A little weight lifted from my chest, but as I watched Max’s tensed jaw, guilt consumed me.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, not even sure which part I was apologizing for.
Max turned to me, ready to say something, but his gaze dropped behind me and he swore. “Fuck this night.”
“Hi, Max.”