Page 33 of Dangerous Play

“So, you like dancing, surfing, running and you are a total nerd,” he summarized my main hobbies with a smirk.

“I’m full of surprises.”

“And most likely shit… no one can be good at that many things.”

I shrugged. “It’s way better than putting yourself in a box and being just a soccer player.”

He contemplated my words, but his response was interrupted as I decided on a song. Bruno Mars’s “That’s What I Like” started, and I raised my brows. “Ready?”

Max stepped on his box and focused his attention on the screen.

The arrows started lighting up. Soon enough, I realized by trying to pick an impossibly hard and quick song I wasn’t familiar with was backfiring on me only. Max whistled through the song next to me and moved with such fluidity and ease like he’d been doing this his whole life.

Panting, I struggled keeping up or hitting the arrow with the right amount of force for it to register. By the time the song ended, I was sweating, and we ended up having similar points, but Max collected more of them.

“I think… I just wiped the floor with you, Blossom.” He grinned, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

His condescending tone made me grimace, as he pointed at the Air Hockey. “Ready to get smashed?”

“You know… you are supposed to let me win… if this is a date,” I muttered as he steered me toward the next game.

Max laughed, and the sound sent shivers down my spine.

He whispered in my ears in a raspy voice, “We are fake dating, Blossom. I don’t need to let you win.” He straightened and grinned. “Plus, letting you win would be an insult to you. And I respect you.”

I shook my head as a part of me wished I have had met Max sooner and fell for him instead of Ander.

We tied in the end, and Max paid for our dinner of burgers, fries, chicken wings and milkshake. I haven’t had this much fun in a while and I enjoyed spending time with him far from the craziness of our universities and getting to know a different side of him. Despite Max claiming he was only good at soccer, he was pretty good at all the games.

“One more picture,” I muttered, staring at the selfie he took of us, but I didn’t like how my hair looked.

Max made a silly face and leaned in again.

“Ugh, I look horrible,” I complained as he snapped another one. “It’s my face.”

He pulled me to his chest, and my face met his neck. His pine scent filled my nose and my body immediately relaxed. His lips brushed my forehead, and I didn’t even notice he was taking pictures of us as I explored the scent of his soap and cologne. “Do you approve of this?”

“That’s cute.”

“Hurray!” Max exhaled, his arm still holding me in place. “I’ll post it this time.”

“Look at you, becoming a social media guru,” I teased him as I watched him enter the app, upload the picture and caption it asimple:Date night.“Emoji,” I reminded him before he hit post. “And tag me.”

“Okay, Instagram police,” he teased me. “By the way, I loved the pictures you took of our practice,” he went on, showing me the photo he posted yesterday of him shirtless, one foot resting on the ball. I went to watch their practice and he looked so hot in the setting sun I couldn’t resist snapping some pics of him to post. “My agent is getting his hopes up that he can finally get me sponsorships and force me into posting stuff.”

“You’re welcome.” I grinned. “If you get sponsorships, I promise to help you post. You know… put the marketing side of my degree to use.”

He rolled his eyes. “But honestly, thanks. You revived my account and finally everyone stopped giving me shit.”

I was glad to help out since this was meant to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

“Don’t be too generous with your thanks yet,” I muttered. “It’s my mom’s birthday in two weeks. After your game. Will you… come home with me?”

“It was part of the deal.” He nodded, his sweet smile lighting up his face. “Of course, I’ll go. Are you nervous?”

“A bit,” I admitted. “Haven’t talked to Daisy since she found out about us and I have no idea where we stand. I mean, I know our relationship is nonexistent at this point, but still… she is still my sister. I love her, but at the same time, I want to protect her from Ander. It’s just hard to do it.”

“They always say that the road to hell was paved with good intentions… I guess she needs to learn this on her own.” Max shrugged. “It must be hard watching her make the same mistakes you did, but think about it… would you have believed anyone two years ago if they told you the truth about Ander?”