Water dripped from his hair and slid down his toned tanned chest as he was wearing his boxers again. Gosh, it was unfair how hot he looked.
He arched a brow as I ogled his body.
“Yeah,” I muttered slowly. “Sorry, just saw a story from Daisy and I was having a mental breakdown,” I came up with the stupidest excuse to explain my messy looks and why my face was buried in my pillow. Hopefully, he wasn’t going to ask to see it.
“Oh,” he acknowledged my struggles with a shrug, as he pulled out a white T-shirt and jeans from his duffle. “I’m starving. Shall we grab breakfast in that brunch place you rave about?”
“Yes! You’ll love it.” How endearing it is to finally have someone who listens to everything.
He flashed me a sweet smile as he got dressed. “I’ll wait in the living room,” he offered, zipping up his bag.
I nodded as he closed the door behind him and I buried my face back into the pillow, muffling a frustrated scream.
Why did I feel so guilty over masturbating? It just felt wrong. He was the sweetest person I’d ever met. Caring and kind. And it was wrong.
Yet, the little devil on my shoulder reminded me he was masturbating as well.
“Fuck this,” I muttered as I turned back to stare at Max, who sat across me with an amused smile.
I wanted to be half as unbothered with life as he was. But I couldn’t contain my frustration as I watched Daisy and Ander walk into the same coffee shop where we were. She only knew about this place because I showed it to her and Ander rarely wanted to come here with me when we visited. Something about brunch being stupid was his usual excuse. Yet, here he was, holding my sister’s hand and smiling at her. I was sure it wasn’t a coincidence.
Nausea hit my stomach, and I grimaced.
“They’re heading our way,” Max warned me as he grabbed my hand over the top of the table.
“Fancy seeing you guys here!” Daisy squeaked and threw her arms around me. All this hugging was still new to me. “I thought you might be having a much longer lay-in in the morning before the drive back. But I guess great minds think alike and we all wanted the same brunch.”
I caught a glimpse of Max’s annoyed face before her blonde hair obstructed my view. They were both still in the room when we went downstairs and my parents had some SPA appointment so we decided to have brunch before the drive back.
“Hey, Aarons,” Ander greeted my fake boyfriend somewhere in the background and I couldn’t resist peeking up to see Max standing up to shake Ander’s hand. Talk about behind the bigger person.
Ander scoffed, and I haven’t realized previously how often he’s done it.
Daisy let go of me, moving next to her boyfriend. “We should all sit together. I haven’t had the chance to grill Max about his intentions with my sister,” she told us both.
The grin Max flashed her was not the comforting sweet one he used on me. It was feral with underlying tension in it.
“I’d love nothing more,” he sweet-talked, but no one caught the slight sarcasm.
My sister batted her eyelashes at him, testing the ground. She was wearing a very familiar white puffy sleeved dress and high heels.
“Is that my dress?” I accused her with a gasp. “I’ve been looking for it everywhere…”
“You left it at my place,” Ander replied calmly as they took a seat opposite of me and Max slid into the booth next to me. His arm rested behind me and his fingers brushed my exposed skin.
I felt underdressed, without makeup and wearing jean shorts and a tank top. It was supposed to be a casual brunch, yet it was turning into circus.
“I tried it on and loved it,” Daisy shrugged. “It looks good on me, right?”
I swallowed hard on the bitter words that where ready to fly out my mouth and instead nodded.
“Your blue dress is much prettier,” Max muttered in my ear, but made sure everyone heard it.
Daisy’s cheeks flushed, and I felt bad that I was bringing her down. Yet, Max didn’t make a negative comment at my sister. He was making an objective observation on the dress.
“Yeah, I love that one.” I nodded, smiling at him. His palm rested on my shoulder and his fingers teased my skin, drawing small circles. “But it does look great on you. You can keep it, Daisy.”