Page 84 of The Sky Between Us

He studied my face for several long seconds, his gaze roaming my face like it was an open book for him to read. “I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” I shrugged. “I’m glad Aiden is following his dreams.”

“Yeah, me too, but it still sucks,” he lifted a shoulder and extended one arm. He offered me a hug.

Pushing him away with a small grin, I shook my head. “Come on… we don’t hug.”

“We could,” he gave me a half smile together with a flirty wink.

“Go back to Sarah,” I turned him around and pushed his back.

“Only if you dance, I’ll play your favorite song,” he shot over his shoulder, while I tried to push him out of the kitchen.

Dropping my arms down, I sighed. “Seriously? You won’t leave me alone, right?”

“Nope.” His happy face made me want to punch him.

“Then dance with me,” I took his hand and dragged him out. Elliot stumbled after me and laughed.

“No way!”

“Yes way,” I pulled him in the middle of the dance floor as the girl gave him some space. “Play any song,” I turned to Claire who picked Olivia Rodrigo’s Good 4 u, causing me to roll my eyes.

“It’s therapeutic,” a girl from the dance team said. “Helps through breakups.”

Glancing at Giselle she shrugged. “Too soon?”

“Super soon,” I muttered, shaking my head and I started to leave, forgetting my hand was in Elliot’s hands.

“Stay,” he grinned at me sweetly. “I’ll dance with you.”

“You don’t know how to dance.”

Elliot shrugged, and waiting for the upbeat chorus of the song, he started jumping to the beat. The girls around him followed and he dragged me along. Sarah appeared out of nowhere and hugged my neck.

Laughter formed in the back of my throat and halfway through I couldn’t stop grinning. The song and the lyrics weren’t happy ones, but it was therapeutic to just jump and scream the words, even if they weren’t true.

We screamed the lyrics through the song and by the time it ended I was laughing hard. Leaning onto Sarah, she put her arm around me and Elliot hugged both of us with a grin.

“You will get through it,” Sarah muttered into my ear. “And I’ll be with you, every step of the way.”

“You are not alone,” Elliot said with a grin. “Not anymore. I was appointed by making sure you don’t go back to pre-Aiden bitch.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, petting his face. “So sweet of you.”

Elliot puffed his chest out. “I know. I’m very chivalrous.”

“I’m not sure he knows what the word means,” Sarah whispered to me and we both giggled.

“Laugh all you want; I know my unique selling points.”

We exchanged another confused look and Sarah ended up rolling her eyes and planting a kiss on his cheeks. “It’s okay babe. I’m not in love with your brain.”

Hiding my grin behind my hand, I turned away. Those two were adorable. Complete opposites and I had no idea how but they made it work. I was half envious, half genuinely happy for their success.

“It’s almost midnight!” Elliot shouted into the crowed, making me jump. “New year is almost upon us! What’s your resolution?”

Sarah launched into a monologue about her YouTube channel and her goals for next year, while I sulked back deep into my thoughts.