She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to be that girl.”
“That girl?” Elliot glanced at her; his expression puzzled.
Hazel sat down on my right leg, and I adjusted my position to keep her close to me.
“The one who doesn’t let her boyfriend breathe,” she muttered.
The guys chuckled and shook their heads while I stared at her.
Boyfriend? That evolved quickly. We didn’t even have the talk. Not like I ever had it, but I saw in the movies girls always brought it up and had the talk.
Hazel seemed unbothered by the avalanche of thoughts she created with one simple word.
“Sure, you are totally not like that,” Elliot muttered sarcastically and I watched in awe as Hazel composed herself, her eyes throwing daggers at my best friend.
“If you insist, I will happily beat you and Sarah will help you heal your ego. Or you can stop being a jerk and spend some time with your best friend. You know, the one you were crying after,” she said in an even tone, while she played with my hair at the base of my neck. Her harsh and emotionless words contrasting the soft fingers teasing me.
I shouldn’t have found this sexy, but I was getting turned on. Bitch Hazel had that effect on me. Especially when she got like that with someone else.
Elliot didn’t give up easily, he stared at her long and hard and Hazel matched his gaze with a bored one.
Several, tensed minutes passed and I was about to speak up, when my friend threw the controller on the table and stood.
“The extra pizza is here,” he walked towards the door, only pausing for a split second to look back at her, his expression unreadable. “You complained you wanted a vegetable one, so I ordered one for you.”
A smile broke across her face and jumping up she quickly caught up to him. “Let me pay.”
Their quiet banter got lost in the laughter coming from my teammates as I relaxed back against the sofa.
Hopefully there will be a truce.
Chapter 10
Time passed and my world centered around Aiden.
And Sky.
Aiden and him were spending more and more time together playing football, which gave me enough time to catch up on schoolwork, which I’ve neglected thanks to the crazy dance schedules and wanting to spend time with Aiden. Honestly, everything faded in the background when it came down to me choosing between him and the world.
“Watch out!”
A soccer ball flew by me and bounced not that far from the tree where I was sitting. Sky ran after it with a squeal, while Aiden squatted down next to me and planted a small kiss on my cheeks. Looking up from my book, where I buried my nose the last hour and kept highlighting the most important part that I intended to learn.
“Hey beautiful,” he greeted me with his usual sweet grin. “We are almost done. Sky is kicking my ass.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, but I couldn’t hide the smile on my lips nor the familiar warmth spreading through me. He really loved Sky and even asked to play with him at least once a week.
“Me too,” I nodded, closing the book. “I have to write the assignment tomorrow after practice and submit it by midnight.”
“You can do it,” he winked as he ran his hand up my tights. “We are having a party at the house tomorrow night. I can drive you there after practice. We finish around the same time. You can get ready there and we’ll have like two hours to spare.” He wiggled his brows making me laugh.
We were taking it slow, but I knew we couldn’t take baby steps forever. It wasn’t like I was a virgin or I had no idea what to do with a naked guy in bed. I was more than comfortable with the foreplay and act itself. It had just been a very long time since I’ve done it. But Aiden was very active and I was aware that his patience was wearing thin.
“Sure,” I said with a grin and I hooked my arms around his neck bringing him down closer to me. “Am I going to sleep in your bed again?”
“Always, baby,” he muttered against my lips as he nibbled on my lower lip. Electricity zipped through my body and I pressed closer to him. His strong arms circled my waist and he pulled me tight into this embrace. We stayed entangled, chest to chest, our breathing hitched and our hearts beating in the same wild rhythm.
The realization that I was trying to banish in the back of my brain hit me hard. My body wanted him.