“Hmm…” I said as a response, as my hand continued the way up through her center to her stomach. Her breath hitched and she gave me a dark look.
Yeah, right. Company.
“Hi Claire,” I greeted her politely, resting both hands on Hazel’s hips. “How was practice?”
“Amazing, we have a home game next week and we will cheer at half time and of course, Hazel helped me a lot with changing up the choreography and now it's the bomb. You guys should come to the football game to see us.” Claire chatted, making me regret I asked her anything, but I politely nodded.
“I’m excited to compete again next year,” Hazel muttered, looking up at me, and I squeezed her tighter to let her know I was there to fully support her.
I smiled at her. “You’ll do great.”
“She is very good. Compared to how she says she barely danced in four years, it’s impressive. I expected her to be way worse, but now she is getting some of her tricks back,” Claire giggled.
Panic washed over me as Hazel has explained to me, she was scared of some of her older tricks and didn’t feel confident and strong enough in executing them, despite her longer and more intense workouts she’s been sneaking in at the gym.
“It’s okay,” she said, resting her hand on top of mine and she gently squeezed it. “Shall we go? We don’t want to lose daylight.”
“Yeah,” I nodded, lacing my fingers with hers before I high fived Elliot. “Have a good weekend, guy.”
“Tell me if you see Ewan at the party,” Hazel winked at Claire before waving goodbye to my friend.
The walk to the car was short but my watchful eyes didn’t leave her as she opened the trunk to place her duffle inside and held it open for me.
“I’m gonna change in the car,” she informed me with an innocent grin on her lips. “I didn’t have time to change after practice.”
“You were too busy gossiping?” I teased her, despite the happiness I felt for her newly flowering social life.
She smirked at me, before bending over the trunk to pull out some dress out. My eyes followed her movements, especially when my hoodie rode up on her back, giving me a nice view of her rounded rear.
Fuck me.
I wished.
My hand itched to slap her butt, and as if she read my mind, Hazel winked at me over her shoulder.
“Come on, I don’t want to be late, you said your mom is waiting for us to have dinner. I’m starving.”
Rounding the car, I got into the driver’s seat as Hazel hopped to the passenger side, pulling her legs up comfortably before putting her seatbelt on. She immediately plugged in her phone and opened Spotify.
“Our road trip playlist?” she asked with a cute grin.
Last night, we spent hours picking songs that both of us enjoyed and we created a shared playlist. We didn’t have the same taste in music, clearly, as her style was more Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, while I liked commercial and electro.
Giving her a look over, I had a hard time swallowing as my throat was getting dry from just the look of her. I wanted to drive to an empty parking lot and lose myself in her. Being inside of her, us being one, was the best feeling. I always enjoyed sex, but sex with Hazel was another level. There were feelings involved, a whole lot of them.
“Can we stop at Starbucks?” she asked again and giggled. “Maybe not Starbucks.”
With a snort, I shook my head. The overpriced coffee which I knew exactly how it was made and could have it for free wasn’t too appealing.
“Dunkin’s?” I offered as I backed out of the parking space and started going down the road. I didn’t mind the music as I knew the road with closed eyes.
“Yes, I really need a cold brew,” she muttered, making herself comfier in the seat. “Vanilla or Hazelnut syrup?”
Glancing her way, I offered her my hand and we linked our fingers. Her blabbing was either a sign of happiness or worry, and this time it was the latter. “Your competition is going to be fine. You will knock it out of the park. I know. Even the half-time show. Do you want me to come and watch you?”
“Maybe,” she blinked at me with cute puppy eyes. “It would be nice knowing you are there. And… if you want… I can come and watch your game.”
Emotions strangled my throat and latched onto my voice. “I’d love that, baby.”