I only minded the fact that I had no idea how to present this to my father. He needed to know and he had to hear it from my mouth. Rumors travel the fastest on campus and people were already talking about Aiden having a girlfriend. It was a rare sight and everyone had their opinion on it. I… we couldn't risk him finding out from anyone else, but at the same time, it was all so new, we wanted to enjoy it.
On Saturday evening, Aiden laid spread out on my dorm bed. His shirt was wrinkled and his grey sweatpants hung low on his hips. His fingers swiped lazily as he was searching for some takeout. None of us was in the mood to party, hence we were holed up here instead of his room in the house which was the heart of the weekend parties.
“Pizza?” he arched his brow and lifted his deep blue eyes to meet mine.
Letting my hair out of the ponytail where I kept it as hostage for most of the day, I nodded. “Sounds good.”
“Toppings?” he asked, his eyes not leaving me. I was dressed in simple gym shorts and an oversized T-shirt, which belonged to him. I loved to have his smell around me even when he was gone. And I realized he loved seeing me in his clothes so it was a win-win. Plus, a reoccurring joke how we still didn’t have sex, but slept together multiple times and I was developing a habit of stealing his shirts and hoodies.
“I’m betting you want a pizza topped with me,” I wiggled my brows to stop him from mentally undressing me.
Aiden tilted d his head to the side and his eyes darkened from desire. “Tempting.”
“I’m hungry,” I slapped my palm against his thigh and grinned at him innocently. “I want cheese, ham and mushrooms. Maybe even corn too. And can you order ketchup?”
“Yes, yes and yes,” he nodded, his eyes not leaving me. His intense gaze burned my skin and I could feel his need communicated just by his eyes. It was crazy how well we understood each other just by looking at the other. His eyes spoke miles.
Biting my lower lip, I fluttered my lashes as I looked up at him. A low groan formed in the back of his throat and the temperature in the room grew by hundred degrees. My face warmed and my body throbbed with need.
Silence stretched between us, but this one wasn’t the uncomfortable one. It was a heavy lust filled silence where our bodies screamed at each other and our minds ignored it.
“Right,” Aiden muttered, dropping his gaze to his device. “I’ll take a mighty meat one. Or whatever this is that has a lot of meat.”
“Cool,” I nodded, reaching for my water bottle to wet my lips. Other parts of my body dripped from moist, but I knew there was no way in hell I would find release tonight. “I’ll pay.”
Handing him my card, I watched as he typed it in. Guilt was eating me up as I knew I was making him wait a long time for something he used to always get in a few hours. Plus, I felt bad for not being able to fully share myself with him and give myself to him. Hence, I decided paying every second date was easing this and making me feel like a less shitty person.
“You can pick a movie,” I laid across his chest when he put his phone away. My chin rested on the top of my hand which was placed against his hard chest. His heartbeat throbbed under my fingers reminding me of the effect I had on him.
Flashing me a half smile, he threaded his finger through my messy hair, which was up in a ponytail all day long and toyed with a piece. He twisted it around his finger, then let it fall. The monotone motion sent shivers down my spine and I found my eyelids heavy. His fingers travelled to my neck, drawing a messy line down to my collarbone. His other hand moved under my T-shirt and his fingertips sketched various shapes on my back as if I was his favorite canvas. Shivers shook my body as he continued drawing on my skin. His touch felt hot and I was convinced he burned shapes into my skin, marking my body in a way only he and I understood.
Such a simple motion, yet so many complicated emotions came with it.
Silence grew heavier between us. We spent the past few days since our first date talking, but there was still plenty to say. But tonight, none of us wanted to speak. We devoured the silence, hanging on to its silent promise of more, even though we both knew it wasn’t going to happen.
“Can’t believe those flowers are still alive,” Aiden muttered as he drew a flower on my back.
The Forget me nots sat on my desk and cranking my neck I glanced at them. “I bought them flower food.”
His chuckle shook his chest and me on top of him. “Of course, you did.”
Tickling his side, I slid down from him and sat cross legged at the end of the bed. “You said you wanted to ask me something.”
“Make social media,” Aiden said without a beat of hesitation. “Just one.”
“I have TikTok,” I pointed out the obvious because I had the app downloaded and an account that I only used to watch others and create endless drafts of dances I liked.
He gave me his puppy eyes. “Make Instagram, come on. I want to tag you in posts…”
“And you want me writing sappy comments and captions about us and how we will be together forever but then we will end up breaking up within three months and I’ll have to delete it all? Not really my scene. I mean, it was cute back in high school.”
Aiden huffed like a five-year-old, reminding me of Sky. Sometimes I wondered if they were the same age mentally.
“Do you have to suck the fun out of everything?” he groaned. “It’s like you’re a ghost. I googled your name and found two things.”
“You Googled me?” I blinked at him in horror.
“Of course, I needed to make sure you weren’t a psychopath. Anyway, all I saw was your old dance videos and pictures, plus an article talking about your eating disorder and your hospitalization. I was going to ask you about it, but you seem to be eating perfectly fine so I decided not to bother.”