He looked at her, sighing. One of his thick, webbed fingers traced the outline of her cheekbone.
She adjusted herself on his lap, straddling him, and then they were kissing.
Tentative, soft kisses, just for comfort, she told herself. Just gentle kisses because of the crying and the badness.
He got hard and she felt it. She felt the stinger, too, but he didn’t say anything about it, and she didn’t either. They just kept kissing—touching each other’s faces and shoulders and arms.
And then she was rubbing her breasts into his chest and it felt good, and maybe she was grinding on his erection a little bit, and his hips were moving back a little, and… and…
She got up from his lap.
He rubbed his jaw. “Getting carried away, aren’t we?”
“Shh.” She started taking off her clothes.
His lips parted. His black, glossy eyes went half-lidded. He just watched.
She took off everything and undid his pants, getting him out.
He pulled his shirt over his head.
She climbed back into his lap, and they worked together to figure it out. It was long and thin and strange, but it went in easily, and something inside her—whatwasthat?—grabbed him and pulled him up inside, right up inside, all the way inside.
They put his cock inside her too, and she straddled him and bounced gently on his thick, huge cock and that long, long stiff stinger which was all snugly stuck up inside her.
It was fucking great, better than sex usually was. She felt so full, so completely full. He was nudged in there, taking up all the space inside her, and she loved it.
He toyed with her nipples, looking perfectly satisfied with himself, as if he’d somehow managed to engineer this. Well, hell, maybe he had. Maybe he’d planned it.
She didn’t care. It felt too good for her to care how it had happened. She was just glad it had.
“You look real nice on my cock, Angela,” he breathed. “Just saying.”
“Don’t gloat,” she panted. She was working him in and out of herself, and he felt particularly fucking amazing. She thought she was going to come soon if he’d just shut his damned mouth.
“This is, uh, more than the tip.” His voice was like the night sky.
“Fuck you, Luther,” she said.
“Take one of my eggs,” he urged.
“Obviously,” she said, breathless.
“I want it, you idiot.”
“See, I knew you did,” he gasped, clutching her hips, holding her still, starting to move himself in and out of her.
“If you don’t shut your damned mouth, I’m not going to take your eggs, you jackass,” she said, but her voice was strained with pleasure. She was totally going to come.
“Eggs, plural? Can you take more than one?” He was eager, his voice strained as well.
“I don’t… no,” she panted. “No, just one.”
“Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, it’s happening, baby,” he said.
Oh, shit, she felt it. She could feel the egg moving through his stinger, through the inner part of her that was gripping him. It felt positively amazing. She threw back her head.