Page 54 of Lagoon

“I’m just being thorough.” He gently pinched both of her nipples.

She sighed.

“I’m going to undress you and show the camera the parts of you that are different,” he said, his voice hushed as he spoke in her ear.

She liked that, too, and she didn’t know why. It shouldn’t have been arousing to have her body permanently altered. It should only be frightening. Itwasfrightening, of course, but it also was arousing.

He helped her out of her pants and underwear.

“Oh,” he said softly as he uncovered her entirely. “Things have changed here, haven’t they?”

Her mound was entirely free of pubic hair now, and the skin there was different, darker, more like his skin. It faded into the skin on her thighs and belly, but her actual sex organs were different, altered, like his.

“This is…” He moved his fingers over her labia, and she was aroused and wet and slippery already, and he groaned. “For me. It’s for me. We gotogethernow.”

“Yeah,” she said in a tight, soft voice. “I want it.”

“Want my eggs,” he said.

She shuddered. “Yes,” she managed, her voice a gasp, her nipples tingling on her chest even without any stimulation. Inside her, there was a ripple of sensation.Oh, fuck, does my cervix move around when I’m turned on, now?

She’d read some series of books once, with a woman who had ten vampire lovers or something, while also solving paranormalmysteries, and this woman had been fond of having her cervix bumped during sex, or so she said. Riley herself had never thought her own cervix was particularly sensitive. Pretty much nothing inside her was. It was all just her clitoris, which did have some internal elements, but almost all of them were close to the surface of her sex organs. Nothing with nerve endings was deep inside her, and she knew science backed this up.

Why it was women in novels with vampire lovers had sensations in their cervix she didn’t really know. She suspected this was not actually the womens’ cervix but rather some internal element of their clitorises and they werethinkingit was their cervix?

But, uh, her cervix was different now. Of course, during regular human sex, nothing was inserted into a cervix. That stinger, though, it was going in. It was going all the way in, and she wanted it, she really, really wanted it.

Jonathan was taking off his pants and there it was, that huge, long ovipositor of his. She couldn’t help but touch it. She put two hands on it, running them up and down the length of it. It was warm and firm and yet it had a give to it, like skin.

He tipped his head back and his breath hitched.

“You like that?” she said.

“Squeeze it?”

She did.

“Shit, Riley,” he breathed. He kissed her.

They were naked now, and they rubbed their nakedness into each other, and it felt good. She groaned and he groaned, and they ran their fingers all over each other.

He pushed her gently down on the mattress and made her open her legs for him. He started toying with her clitoris, which was engorged and dark, greenish purple as it rose out between her outer labia. He bent down and ran his tongue over it.

She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Are we… is this really for science, or should we be…?”

“Are you seriously asking if you can skip getting me off?” she breathed.

“No,” he said, offended. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind…” His voice went lower, into that rich voice from before. “I want to lick you. The way you smell, it’sthatsmell, there in your pretty pussy, which is all transformed for me, and it’ll taste like it smells and I—please, is it all right?”

“I don’t know, should I make you beg to lick me again?” she said, grinning too widely.

“Fuck you,” he said, and put his mouth on her. His voice was muffled and his voice vibrated into her sensitive skin. “I’mgoingto lick you, and you can’tstopme and I want to see how far I can fit a webbed finger into you. That’s all just happening, so deal with it, Riley.”

She laughed softly, surrendering to him.

His finger was inside her as he lapped at her pussy, deeper and deeper, and then it brushed her there, on her cervix, just like before.