Since Cassie rose to power, there have been a lot of people trying to get in her good graces and reaching out to her, including those who would have mocked her before.
Resigned, I nod. “Certainly, brother. I understand what you mean.”
Jeremiah claps me on the shoulder and smiles approvingly. “Don’t you worry. One day, these things will come easier to you. Now, why don’t you go around and mingle instead of standing to the side and fawning over our lady.”
I take a sip of my drink that I had completely forgotten about as I watch Cassie dance with Ares after separating from Leila, who’s dancing with Cassie’s mom.
As the music comes to an end, I walk across the polished floor and approach my lady and Ares. Ares grins when he sees me and whispers something in her ear that makes her smile. Then he places a kiss on her cheek and nods at me before walking off in the opposite direction.
“So, my lady, how are you feeling?” I ask when I reach her, taking her hand in mine and pressing a kiss to her fingertips.
I sigh in relief, happy now to be in such close proximity with her. My body craves her touch every time I’m not near her.
“Well, I am rather tired of the conversations and having to dance in front of everyone while they watch me like I’m a work of art, but I must admit, it turned out better than I hoped for.”
“Yes, your mom put in a lot of effort to make sure that everything would run smoothly and everyone loves you,” I smile. “I do, however, understand why you would want to be done with the conversation and the constant stares. I myself am quite done with all of it.”
She smiles appreciatively. “I’m glad you understand me.”
“Why don’t we make a little escape for a while? I’m sure they can function without seeing your beautiful face for a bit.”
Cassie giggles, and her eyes light up, burning a path through me, straight to my heart. It’s wonderful to see her so happy.
“I am not averse to that idea, dear mate of mine.”
My heart thumps happily in my chest. I don’t think I will ever get tired of her calling me that. It’s so wonderful to have her refer to me as her mate and look at me with eyes filled with so much love and happiness.
We stand in front of the fountain, away from the main hall, although not so far that we cannot hear the music.
“I never got to dance with you tonight.”
“Yes. I was hoping you would join me instead of watching me dance,” she jests, and I laugh.
“Ah, but you are a sight for sore eyes, especially in this beautiful gold dress you’re wearing.” I offer her my hand. “Will you dance with me, my love?”
She smiles wider. “I thought you would never ask.”
I take her into my hands and sway with her to the beat of the music, swirling her around and dipping her occasionally to hear the surprised giggle that escapes her.
“I would never have imagined that our lives would turn out his way. Can you imagine that only three months ago, we were meeting at the college fountain instead? Then, everything just seemed so bleak. Life seems so different now from how it used to be.”
“Oh crap,” she says suddenly, and I panic, pulling away from her and looking her over.
“What is it? Are you okay? Is it the baby?” I ask, placing my hand on her forehead while she laughs.
“Relax, Eric. I’m all right. Everything is all right,” she says to me, placing her hands on my face as she stares at me affectionately before pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.
“I just remembered that I haven’t been to school since all this started, and I need to go back,” she explains finally.
I let out a relieved laugh and nod. “We both need to go back to school.”
We laugh once again, and I relax. “This is how I prefer things. Just us, your mates, and you, happy and laughing all the time.”
“There you guys are,” I hear Ares’ voice just in time. Speak of the devil.
Jeremiah is following beside him.