“Ares, please!” Cassie begs. “I trust her. She has helped me before. I’m sure she didn’t come here with bad intentions.” She tells me what Leila did for her in the past.

I mull over what she has said, and nod. “Fine! She can help out. But any suspicious actions, and she’ll curse the day she was born.”

“Thank you.” Cassie smiles and hugs me.

I hold her to my side and focus on Leila. Jeremiah comes back into the living room and passes a bottle of water to Cassie. She collects it and gulps it down.

“I came because I wanted to find out what’s going on with you, Cassie. It was easy to locate the apartment. It is the only one sochoked with strong pheromones. All I did was knock and Ares drug me in by my throat.” She growls the last statement.

I sit on the sofa and place Cassie on my lap. Jeremiah and Eric join us, leaving Leila standing.

She seems nervous with the attention. She starts playing with her hair as she continues speaking. “As I said, I want to help you, Cassie. You are very strong but you don’t how to make use of your strength. I feel guilty that you don’t know how to be a proper Omega. I want that to change.”

“Nice pitch,” Eric jokes dryly, earning a small laugh from Jeremiah and Cassie.

I am hardly in the mood to laugh. Cassie was nearly murdered yesterday, and my top suspect is Mrs. Kaye. I want to be sure something like that doesn’t happen again.

“Sit, Leila,” I order her.

She rolls her eyes but sits on the single chair by our side.

“Cassie was attacked yesterday,” I start.

Leila gasps in surprise. “Are you okay?” she asks Cassie.

Cassie nods at her. “The guys were there to protect me,” she tells her.

“How did it happen?” Leila asks, concerned.

“We took Cassie running in the forest. As we were there, enjoying the run, eight assassins appeared and tried to kill Cassie,” Eric provides.

“Eight assassins?” Leila gasps.

“They were a bunch of warlocks, werewolves, and werepanthers. It’s clear that they come from an organization. They were quite strong, but we won,” Jeremiah says.

“I killed someone,” Cassie mumbles.

I hate that she has that on her. But she did good, and I was proud to see her take action.

“Don’t let that get to you.” I kiss her cheek and stroke her hair. “You did what you had to do.”

She nods at this.

“Oh my God! I am so sorry, Cassie. I didn’t know anything about it. Why would someone want you killed?” Leila asks.

“There are several reasons for that. For starters, someone jealous of her could want her dead.” I level my gaze on Leila.

She doesn’t flinch. Instead, she shakes her head. “I don’t want to hurt Cassie!” she cries.

“Yes, so you say. But what about your mom?” I ask.

I watch as her expression falls. She covers her face and then runs her hand through her hair. She doesn't say anything for a while.

She can’t respond because we all know that the chances of it being Mrs. Kaye are quite high.

Finally, she sighs heavily and sadly says, “To be honest, I wouldn't put it past her.”

Chapter Twenty-Four