“I love Cassie,” I declare, my voice tight with emotion, “and it’s not about her powers. I was going to marry Cassie even when I thought she was a sickly and shiftless woman.”Unlike you.

I don’t say the last part out loud, but the unspoken accusation hangs heavy in the air. Ares’ face remains blank.

“Just like my brother, I love her too. And I know that you can tell,” Eric chips in. “Our love for her is genuine.”

He chuckles loudly. The sound grates on my nerves, a deep, rumbling sound that seems to echo with condescension. “I don’t want to fight, Jeremiah,” he says, his tone almost patronizing. “I am just speaking logically. It's a good thing for you that things turned out this way. It's like I said; I don’t mind sharing my Omega since I know you two clearly have history.”

His Omega.The words sting, but I know that they’re true.

Though I resent the implication, I cannot deny the truth of Ares’s words. Cassie belongs to him in a way that she will never belong to me, and the realization burns like a bitter pill I have to swallow.

Ares looks up at Eric and I, a thoughtful look on his face. He turns to me and asks, “Do you think your connection to Cassie can’t compare to mine?”

I say nothing.

Couples can get together even if their pheromones don’t bond naturally, but in some cases, like with Ares and Cassie, their pheromones have clearly bonded.

I can smell the sweet pheromones that come from their harmony. She is truly his Omega now.

In cases where you meet someone that you have a perfect bond with, even if you’re already married to someone else, you can also have that person. But this only happens within the agreed family unit.

Bonded pheromones are part of nature’s mate selection process. Everything else is secondary. That is why polyamory is a thing. Sometimes, pheromones make two separate couples merge into foursomes because already married partners have met their perfect bonds.

So, Ares being willing to sharehisOmega isn’t something new, but it also isn’t something that hehasto do. It just shows how reasonable it is, because it’s obvious that Cassie loves Eric and I, and it would only make sense for Ares to add us into his family unit.

I clear my throat, addressing Ares. “Thank you for being reasonable, and I hope we can be a good family unit together.”

“For Cassie’s sake, at least,” Eric adds.

“Of course.” Ares looks at me, his gaze piercing. “I would love to be friends with the both of you.”

I nod wordlessly as the room falls into silence once more.

Cassie’s wolf pants heavily, wagging her tail.

Despite the gravity of the situation, a small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. She has finally done the one thing she always wished for—shift.

As the sun begins to set and night approaches, we prepare to go for a run with Cassie.

Chapter Nineteen


I’m led to out of the building by Ares, Eric, and Jeremiah. My wolf can’t stop wagging her tail incessantly, completely excited to go on the run. She pants heavily, her eyes darting and shifting between the three men beside me. I can’t blame her, though. Theyareeasy to look at.

It felt truly amazing listening to my men as they all came to a mutual agreement to be my mates.

I feel so loved and adored, cherished, and cared for by these males who will do anything to keep me safe.

Jeremiah and Eric I love because of our past together… but this new man… Ares… I know I have only met him twice, but everything inside of me says that he is the one for me. It’s like destiny. My wolf is just waking up, but she knows her fated mate.

I am just glad that I don’t need to choose.

They stuff me into the back of Ares’s car, Ares placating my wolf who isn’t enthused by the small space. We’re smack dab in the middle of the city, so we do need to drive out towards the woods. I would draw too much attention if we went on foot.

My wolf takes up most of the space in the back seat and my head is pressed against the roof of the car. Eric squeezes in beside me while Jeremiah takes the passenger seat beside Ares.

My wolf does not like it, but she holds on while Ares drives quickly. She is more than happy to jump out of the car once we make it to our destination, stretching as though she’d been stuffed in a suitcase while everyone else gets out of the car.