“So beautiful,” Eric says, helping me to my feet.
“How do you feel?” Jeremiah asks, wiping away some cum above my eyes.
“Alive,” I reply with a smile I can't control.
“Good,” Ares says. “Get used to it. This is your reality now.”
“Aye, aye.” My eyes crinkle as I respond with yet another grin. My heart is filled with happiness and a sense of satisfaction and my legs are still shaking from this incredible marathon.
I've waited so long for this to happen and now that it finally has, it didn't disappoint.
“This was amazing,” I say, shifting my gaze across the three of them. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, Cassie,” Eric says, smiling.
One by one, they shower me with kisses, and I can feel the love radiating from each of them. I can feel their warmth and the air is filled with the mix of our scents. We're all vibing with the same frequency, our energy in perfect sync.
As these gorgeous men encircle me, their naked bodies brushing against mine, I feel like I'm wrapped in a protective cocoon. It's like we're all connected, our love and positivity resonating as one. I feel so safe, so secure, like nothing can ever harm me with these amazing men by my side. It's like we're one big, happy family.
It's official; this is the best sex ever! It surpassed my expectations and it's a moment that I'll cherish for a long time, a memory that I'll carry with me always.
There’s a saying that you don't know what you have until you lose it, but inmycase, I didn't know what I was missing until it arrived.
“Oh… I can’t believe we made such beautiful children.”
Eric’s voice is filled with emotion as he speaks. He caresses our daughter’s cheek as she sleeps in between her brothers, all three of them looking like perfect beings.
“It is quite easy to imagine, considering who our mate is,” I respond, winking at Cassie, who blushes and then laughs softly, cautious not to wake up the sleeping kids.
It was exhausting to get them to bed. It’s been two weeks since she had our beautiful children. I can see characteristics of all of us in our children, it fills my heart with gladness.
Our daughter, Dahlia, has her mother’s brown hair from before her shift and a beautiful face, with chubby cheeks and perfect blue eyes to match. Her eyes are a shade darker than her mother’s. However, that’s where the contrast ends.
Our sons, on the other hand, have black hair like Jeremiah and I, with Jarvis possessing Eric’s hazel eyes and James having grey eyes.
It’s insane how they have come to mean so much to us in the short time since they came into our lives, but now I cannot imagine my family unit without them.
Jeremiah, Eric, and I are attached to our children and are constantly there to look after them. On the days we are required to sit for meetings with other Alphas, Jeremiah and I attend the meetings, and Eric stays home with Cassie to ensure that she does not tire herself out.
Cassie refuses to have a maid to help her whenever we are not there with her because she wants to be present in every moment of their growth. I can’t blame her. It physically hurts to be away from my family. They are the only ones that have managed to bring out this soft side of me that’s been hidden away from everyone else.
My heart swells with pride as I observe my family unit. It’s been nearly a year since we became a family, and so far, everything has been wonderful.
The Jacksons, whom I had once accepted because they were important to my mate, have now become just as important to me. There is no one I would rather share the love of my mate with than the two of them.
Our friendships have grown in the months that have passed. They have proven every single day that they deserve her love just as much as I do, and they make me want to be a better version of myself for my love.
Keeping Cassie happy had been the only thing on my mind, and now, with our latest additions, keeping our whole family unit happy and together is all that I care about.
My friendship with the Jackson brothers has evolved into something better, a kinship that only those who share the bond of an Omega and her mates can understand. I have come to appreciate them and love them just as I know they love me.
“Maybe we should withdraw to the balcony and get some fresh air,” I suggest, turning to Cassie. “You need it after all the stress you’ve been through recently.”
Cassie snorts a laugh. “Stress? You haven’t even allowed me to be stressed since I had our babies.”