“I said, I’m sick! You already knew this! Everyone does!” I spit out. “Those pills? They help make me less weak and basically keeps me alive so I don’t drop dead.”

The words leave a sour taste in my mouth. Over the years, I’ve come to accept the fact that I’m weak and will always be like that, but admitting it to another person in this kind of situation makes it feel even more shitty.

“They’re blockers.”

I blink, my mind still foggy. “What?”

Inhaling sharply, Leila explains, “Blockers. The kind they outlawed years ago. You’ve been popping them like candy, haven’t you?”

“What in God’s name are you talking about?” I mutter, my heart racing. “Those pills help me. They prevent me from dying!”

“Who told you that?” Leila cocks her head to the side.

“My mom!” My tone is defensive.

“Ever wondered why they don’t have a label?” she asks, her eyes assessing me.

“Because, because..” I stutter. “Mom said she only gets refills since it’s cheaper than buying a new bottle…”

“No, it’s because they’re contraband. These are illegal pills that were banned because they don’t just hurt you, they can block your wolf.” Leila speaks in a measured tone, like she knows she is delivering words that aren’t easy to hear.

And they definitely aren’t. Block my wolf? What the hell is she saying?

Shaking my head, I try to make Leila see reason. She must be mistaken. My mother would have never willingly given me such pills if she knew how dangerous they were.

“Look, there must be a sort of misunderstanding. Those pills have been part of my life ever since I could remember my own name. If they were blockers like you said they are, don’t you think I would have died?”

“Actually, you would have.”


Leila ignores me and moves forward, gripping the edge of the bed as she sniffs the air. “Oh… I think you’re starting your first heat.”

I scoff, amused by the absurdity of the situation. “Is this your way of trying to insult me, Leila? I have never had a heat period in my life!”

My fists tighten into a ball beside me. Despite how nonchalant I might seem about it, not having a heat period has been one of my major insecurities for all my life, and having Leila crack a joke about it rubs me the wrong way.

“Moon goddess above! It’s like talking to a brick wall,” Leila growls, a frown marring her face. “Of course you wouldn’t have had a heat period before when you were taking those pills! They suppress your body’s natural functions. You’re having your first heat. That’s probably why you went after Ares. Your body is rebelling against the pills. I’m guessing you were late taking them, and your body is now free to do what it needs to do.”

I stare at her, disbelief crashing over me.Heat cycle.The primal urge that drives shifters during the mating season. Of course, I’ve heard of it, and I’ve witnessed everyone else going through their heat cycle. Everyone exceptme.

I always felt left out, so I usually hid myself in Jeremiah’s bookshop, immersing myself in books during mating season.


“Listen carefully,” Leila interrupts me. “I brought you to this private clinic because it was the best bet for your safety. Anywhere else, they would have arrested you.”

Before I can manage a response, her phone buzzes.

She glances down at it, and her face tightens. She seems to have forgotten all about me, and I can see sudden anger in her eyes.

“Are… are you okay?” I don’t know what possesses me to ask her that. It’s not like we’re close enough that she would tell me.

She looks up as though remembering that I am there.

“I’m fine.” She grits her teeth and stands up. “I have to go. But remember Cassie, take care of yourself so you aren’t caught next time hanging off another woman’s man.”

And then, she’s gone, leaving me with my unraveling world and a myriad of thoughts.