“Why don’t I make you boys tea?” she offers.

There she goes again! She’s being sweet to us.

No! Something isn’t right here.

How the hell is someone so sweet hurting her one and only child?

“We don’t want any tea,” Eric replies

She turns back to us. She seems sad at the rejection and annoyed at Eric’s continuous rudeness.

I can’t take Eric’s rudeness anymore, either. I understand his anger. But being rude will amount to nothing. It will only make Cassie’s mom less open to us.

So, I finally speak.

“Eric! Calm down,” I scold.

I pull another stool out from the kitchen table and sit. I indicate for her to do the same. She quickly complies, positioning herself to face only me.

“I don’t understand. Why are you boys so angry? What did I do wrong?” She looks confused and lost.

I momentarily feel pity for her. Our anger is overwhelming. Eric’s anger is brash while mine is silent and choking.

“Calm down, Miss Munt,” I start. I do not want her shaken, even with how angry I am.

She does as I say.

“Cassie dropped her pills,” I tell her without a preamble. “They spilled and got stepped on.”

A gasp escapes her. “What?”

I watch as she fidgets in her seat. She places her hands on the table. I notice them shaking.

“What? Where is she? What happened?” she blurts in one shaky breath.

“Eric decided to help her refill the pills. We had gone to a pharmacy together to do this.” Itake in her expression as I speak.

Her face turns ashen, and her eyes widen. She holds on tight to her hands as they shake uncontrollably. She is undeniably horrified.

That is all it takes for me to know that it wasn’t a mistake.

She knows! She knows that the pills are not good for Cassie.

There is no other reason for her to react this way. If she did not know about it, she wouldn’t be this scared.

All of a sudden, I want to hurt her. I reel in the urge, but my pheromones are leaking out uncontrollably.

Miss Munt jumps from the stool and rushes to the kitchen corner with wide and terrified eyes.

“Brother!” Eric calls.

Eric can’t feel my pheromones, but he can tell what’s happening from Cassie’s mom's reaction.

I take deep breaths to calm my nerves. A few seconds later, Miss Munt gasps for air, finally breathing again. Eric pats my shoulder comfortingly.

Cassie’s mom gazes at me in fear. How things have changed in such a short time. The usual smile she has for me is gone. A pang of regret tugs at my heart. Is this how things would be now?

“Miss Munt, we were told that the pills are banned pheromones blockers. Why do you have them? Why are you using them on Cassie?” My voice is tired… almost pleading.