She turns to face me, propping her head on her hand. “See, I told you! I think there actually might be something between us.”
There is no “us” between them, and there won’t be if I get my way. Daniel is not the type of person to go up and ask for a girl’s number. It doesn’t make sense. He’s never even mentioned Annie. I didn’t know he knew she existed. I don’t think he’s aware of the majority of the human race. “Why did he want it?”
Her face is beat red. “He said he needed to talk to you, butwhen I offered to give it to him, he conveniently had ‘forgotten’ ”—her fingers form air quotes—“his phone in his locker. I think it was just an excuse because then he specifically asked me to text it to him.” She can’t stay still. Her feet are kicking again.
I bite my cheek, becoming more upset by the second. The audacity he had to go up to my sister. He’s ruining my plan. I grimace, my frustration overwhelmed by a newfound curiosity.
“Wait, why did he want my number?” That seems like a very unlikely thing for him to want.
She shrugs. “I don’t know. Did he text you?”
My eyes dart around my room, trying to spot my cell phone. “I don’t know. I haven’t checked.”
She sighs. “Maybe life is like the movies.”
I force a laugh, but it comes out with a ball of nerves. “Maybe.”
She jumps up. “I’m going to go take a shower.”
As soon as she leaves, I snap to action. I dump out my purse. I pull back my bed covers. I open my side table drawer. I scour my room until I see the shiny black screen poking out from the pocket of my jacket. I lunge for it like my life depends on it. He better have a good reason for toying with my sister’s emotions.
I unlock it and pull up my messages. At the top are a few texts from Cameryn and then some from an unknown number. I click it and see two texts.
Are you slacking?
It’s Daniel.
I throw my phone down. That’s it? That’s the text heneeded to send me?That’sthe text he thought was worth jeopardizing Annie’s entire life over?
I let out a slow breath, hoping it’ll lessen the anger in my chest. Spoiler alert. It did not. Not knowing what else to do, I sit down cross-legged, staring down at my phone. There must be more. There has to be. That can’t possibly be what he wanted to say to me, but he seems like a guy who would send a blunt text stating what he wants or needs. This is odd. This is like he’s teasing me. Or maybe he’s serious, and honestly thinks I’m slacking. No. That can’t be it. He’s spent too much time with me to think that. I’m not a slacker.
Reluctantly, I pick the phone up and start typing.
Did I say you could text me?
No. I most certainly did not.
The text immediately shows as read, and three little dots appear in the bottom corner like he’s been waiting for my reply.
Since when do I need your permission?
My jaw drops. How dare he. Who does he think he is all of a sudden?
What do you want?
Have you found my dad yet?
I saw Daniel less than twenty-four hours ago. Of course not. What did he think was going to happen? That I’d look into every Justin in the state and find him with nothing but a first name? He can’t be serious.
No. I need more clues.
Like what?
Why is he being so talkative? It’s Friday, and I figured he’d be happy to have a break from me. But apparently, he really wants to find his father now. Maybe he’s finally realized I know what I’m doing. When I say I’m going to find his dad, I mean it.
Do you have any of your mom’s things? Pictures, diary, social media accounts?
All the stuff from our old house is in a storage unit.