She rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

I rest my head back, picturing what Annie’s life could look like in the future. It’s going to be colorful and full of happiness. I know it. I believe it with my whole soul.

She hums along to the song because she doesn’t know the words yet, and I drift off to sleep. When we reach the venue, Annie wakes me up by shaking my hand.

“We’re here,” she says.

I sit up. “Wow, that was fast.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Mm-hmm,” I say, smiling big to mask my pain. “Thank you for the ride.”

She studies my face looking for my lie. “Call me if you need to be picked up early.”

“I will,” I say.

She waves me off. “Okay, get in there before you’re late.”

I hop out of the car and walk into the hotel, pinching my cheeks the entire way to bring color into my face.

Daniel is waiting for me by the entrance. His hair is styled back, and he wears a dark suit with a crisp white shirt and black tie. I’ve never seen him dress up this much, but it’s like he stepped out of a fashion magazine.

My heart skips when he smiles at me.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my lips. “Hey.”


“You look beautiful,” he says.

“So do you—I mean, handsome, that is. You look handsome.”

He chuckles.

We walk into the ballroom where the ceremony is being held. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little disappointed no one asks us who we are because I wanted a chance to use my bizarre backstory. I decided I was a cousin of a family friend. I stalked their social accounts enough to know names if I needed them. Unfortunately, there are at least three hundred people here and no one cares about us.

The ballroom has tall ceilings and large windows. There are rows and rows of white chairs with tulle tied to the back of them and purple flowers everywhere.

We sit in the back row just as the music starts.

Daniel’s father stands next to the officiant. He’s a spitting image of Daniel, just older.

I take Daniel’s hand. “Are you nervous?” I whisper.

He squeezes my hand, and I take that as a yes.

“It’s okay,” I say. “I’m right here.”

A smile pulls at his lips.

The flower girl walks first. She’s cute with a purple puffy dress that bounces as she makes her way down the aisle. Then a bridal party so big I lose count follows. Finally, the music changes and the bride walks down.

She’s beautiful with her elegant white gown and slicked-back bun. When she stands next to Daniel’s dad, they look like wedding cake toppers.

“Hey, Daniel,” I whisper.
