“Oh.” He was going to be heartbroken when she told him she had to leave.
“There’s good news and bad news.” He grinned like a little kid with a big secret.
“Okay, tell me.” She fought back a laugh.
“First, the good news.” He paused for effect. “You’re coming on tour with me. It starts in early September, but you can stay with us. You’ll get to travel the country. We have a second bus now, so we won’t have to be hassled by my family all the time.”
She’d never seen him so happy, and she loved it, but had he forgotten about her life? In a few weeks she was starting school.
“Now the bad news. I have to leave tonight. I can’t believe this is happening, but the first release from our new album is due to hit in a few days along with the music video. There was some sort of mix-up at the editing company and a full minute of tape is corrupted.” He pushed his hands through his hair. “Something about a system failure and inadequate off-site backup systems. Anyway, we have to re-film the missing scenes. It’s an outdoor shoot at the Pike Place fishermen’s market in Seattle.”
“Okay.” She tried to follow his confusing explanation.
“The problem is, a storm is coming in and the only window of time to get the shooting done is tomorrow, so Adam, Garrett, and I have to fly out tonight. I’m so sorry. But I can be back tomorrow night or the next day for sure. Crud, that’s not true. The day after, we have rehearsals for the Video Music Awards, but you could still fly out and join me. It’ll be a lot of industry stuff, but at least we’ll be together, part of the time.”
Something inside Libby clicked, as if suddenly she could see the future clearly and all the problems, pitfalls, andrealities of each of their lives. His life was filled with obligations and great opportunities. She was about to venture off on her own adventures with college. There was no room in it for a relationship.
She glanced at DarLynn, who pretended to occupy herself with the television remote. “Peter, come with me.”
Libby took him by the hand and led him out on the balcony for privacy. Once she closed the patio doors, they stood at the railing overlooking the beautiful skyline of downtown Denver as the day sank into twilight. She tried to think of how to break the news to him. How to break his heart again.
“Are you okay?” His brow furrowed with concern.
“I’m fine.” She nodded with a heavy heart, took a deep breath for courage, and hoped she handled this right. She looked deep into his beautiful, soulful eyes. “I love you. You do know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I know.” He squeezed her hand and smiled at her, but he knew something was amiss.
“It’s great that you’re making all these plans for us, but I have obligations too. I have a job and I’m starting school in a few weeks.” As much as she’d love to follow him and share his rock-star life, she wanted—no, needed—more than anything to go to school for herself, her future.
“Oh. Well, yeah, I guess I kind of forgot about that. I’m just so happy to have you back. I don’t want to miss a second of beingtogether.” He grinned, looking more adorable than ever.
“I know. But from what you just said, it sounds like it’s going to be hard to spend any time together. And I have to leave in the morning to get back to my jobs in Pebble Creek.”
His eyes widened in shock and his face fell.
“People are counting on me,” she added and placed her hand on his arm.
“Peter. When I met you, my life was so miserable, and you saved me from the darkest depths and led me back to happiness. After that, when everything fell apart and I thought you didn’t want to see me again, you still gave me strength. You gave me the courage and power to walk out of that group home and start making my own decisions. I could never have done that without you.”
Peter’s jaw tightened and he pressed his lips together. “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice strained.
Libby didn’t know how to say this. She’d love to share his crazy rock-star life, but deep down knew she couldn’t. “I’m trying to explain this to you. You need to know how profoundly you have affected my life.”
“Libby, please don’t.” He shifted on his feet knowing what was coming.
“If there is one thing I’ve learned this past year, it’s that I have to be in charge of my life. No one else. I want to go to college and get a degree. I really do. I can’t go on tourwith you and still do that. I have to be able to take care of myself for the rest of my life. I can’t leave that to someone else again. Not even you.” Because if he ever left her, she would be broke and alone again.
“Stop talking like this.” Peter tried to turn away. She pulled him back and faced him, holding his arms.
“And as much as I’d love to be with you, I would only hold you back. You are needed so many places all the time. You have music to write, interviews to tape, and concerts to perform. We’d barely ever see each other anyway.”
Libby knew she was breaking his heart. Heck, she was breaking her own.
Peter searched her eyes and seemed to make a decision. “Change of plans. Come with me tonight. I will make this work. I promise you. I’ll figure this out so we can be together. Every second I’m not working, I’m with you.” He held her hands in his and gazed into her eyes with such love and hope.
She smiled sadly and shook her head.
Peter shoved a hand through his hair. “God, Libby, please don’t leave me now,” he pleaded. “You don’t need your job anymore. Let me take care of you for once. I have plenty of money.”