“In a few short hours, this arena will overflow with thousands of teenagers and adults, too! What is your secret to attracting such a diverse crowd?”

Peter lifted his microphone. “It’s really the music. Our sound appeals to a wide audience.”

“No argument there,” Andrea responded. “Your latest single is climbing the charts at record speed. Is it true you write your own music?”

“Actually, Peter is the genius behind our music. Adam and I contribute, but Peter’s instincts are on the pulse of what’s great,” Garrett answered.

Despite Garrett’s many flaws, he always gave Peter credit for their songwriting success. Peter appreciated it.

“That’s incredible for someone your age. You’ve written some amazing hits. How about Adam and Garrett? Do you have a specialty?”

“Adam is master on the guitar,” Peter offered. “Without him, we would be a mediocre bar band.”

“And Garrett?” Andrea asked. She licked her puffed-up, gloss-covered lips as she eyed Garrett in a way that made Peter want to cringe.

“I play bass guitar. I also work on the business side of things. I make sure we stay on top of the trends and work to come up with ways to remain successful.”

Peter nodded in agreement. Garrett was annoying, yet effective.

“You are a group of talented young men, mature beyond your age.” She directed her comments straight to Garrett. He gave her a sly smile.

It was impossible not to mature quickly when you carried a multimillion-dollar business on your back. The livelihood of dozens of people relied on their success.

“We asked Jamieson fans to send us their questions. Here’s what your fans want to know,” Andrea said. “Who is bossiest?”

“Garrett!” Adam and Peter said at the same time. The guy was a total control freak and could make life on the road miserable when he wanted.

“Hey, someone’s gotta tell you what to do,” Garrett said.

“Who has the most girlfriends?” she asked with interest.

“Garrett!” they answered again. Garrett shrugged. He enjoyed the perks of playing in a band.

“Who is the leader of the group?”

“Peter,” his brothers said in unison.

Peter wasn’t sure why that was. Taking the lead onstage seemed as natural as breathing. He felt connected to the crowd.

“Who is the goof-off?”

“Are you kidding? It’s all Adam,” Peter answered.

Adam shrugged, never a care in the world. He was always seen with either a camera or a guitar in his hands.

“Okay, who is the shyest?”

Garrett and Adam looked straight at Peter. No words necessary.

“Really, now that surprises me,” Andrea said, her brow raised. “You write the music and lead the band, yet you’re the shy one?”

Peter tried not to squirm. “I don’t know that I’m shy, but I keep to myself more than Garrett and Adam. They’re more outgoing. I like to spend time alone.”

“Aw, the brooding artist. No wonder your music is so successful,” she responded with a sly smile. “This last one is for each of you. What is your ideaof the perfect girl?”

“I’d say it’s a girl who makes me laugh,” Adam said with his trademark grin.

The camera moved to Peter.