Libby lay against him. The sunbeat down on their bodies as his breath tickled her neck like a feather. His success had grown while they were apart.

“Then I’d like to take all the success I’ve enjoyed and do something really good with it. I’d like to help kids and sick people.”

She listened to the low timbre of his voice, feeling it vibrate in his chest as she rested against him. He would do all these things. She knew he would.

“I’d also like to get my own place,” he continued. “You know, travel when I want to and not necessarily with my family. I love them, but it’s time to grow up and live my life. At least as much as possible.”

She contemplated all he said.

“And what about you?” He nipped the edge of her ear. “I’ve been blabbing away. Now that you’re legally independent, what do you want to do with your life–besides go on tour and hang out with me 24/7?” He caressed her palm with his thumb.

Libby had been plotting and planning for months, and it seemed everything clicked all at once. “First, I want to go to school and become a graphic artist. I’ve been drawing ever since my mom gave me my first box of crayons. It’s the one thing I’ve always loved. I’d never make much money as a regular artist, but as a graphic artist I could always take care of myself.”

Peter rested his chin in the nook of her neck. “I’ll take care of you now.”

She nestled closer. Reality began to seep into their perfect world. “That’s sweet, but I’ve left my fate to others too many times, and it didn’t work out, to say the least. I won’t ever do that again. Now I need to take charge of my life.”

“But I get to be in it, don’t I?” he teased. She noted a tone of worry to his voice.

“Of course you do.” She turned in his arms and reached up for a kiss. Peter set his lips upon hers, and they stopped speaking, letting their bodies take over. They got lost in each other’s kisses and caresses.

Content to be together and needing nothing more, they hung out at the top long enough for clouds to move in and shed a light sprinkle of rain. Reluctantly, they packed up. Libby didn’t want their perfect day to end. On their way back down the mountain, Peter told her about the preparations for their upcoming tour and appearances.

She told him about her preparations to start college in Boston this fall, and the heartbreak of her failed efforts to track down her dad. Now that she had her independence, she would keep her name public, so her dad could easily find her, should he be looking. No more hiding.

When they returned to the hotel, Peter needed an hour to shower and catch up on some band obligations before they’d go out for dinner.

DarLynn waited for her in their hotel suite. “You two have a good day?”

“We did, thanks.” Libbybubbled with excitement like one of DarLynn’s boys on his birthday. DarLynn laughed and smiled, enjoying every bit of Libby’s happiness. “I can’t believe we’re actually here. I can never thank you enough.”

“Aw, it’s been my pleasure. I haven’t had this much fun since, well, since never. I got to see a Jamieson concert, make friends with Peter’s momma, and stay in this swanky hotel. The boys will never believe all our stories. Look at all the amazing swag Karen brought over for the boys, and it’s all autographed.”

Libby looked through the pile of Jamieson T-shirts, hats, and CDs. The boys would love the gifts.

“Oh, and Peter’s dad had the truck fixed, so we can head back anytime.”

Libby’s head snapped up. They never discussed the option of her staying with Peter. Yesterday, it seemed premature to assume anything. She desperately wanted to stay. She didn’t want to face reality yet. She needed more time.

“And none too soon,” DarLynn continued, oblivious to Libby’s predicament. “I called home today and all hell is breakin’ loose. The motel over in Greenville had a fire, and now the Twilight is plum overflowing. The baby’s got the flu, so Bea’s been cleaning up hurl all day. Jimmy’s momma can’t handle stress too well, and it sounds like she’s hitting the bottle again. She’s better as a glittery ornament than as a grown-up getting her fingernails dirty. Oh, and Bea said Penny’s short another waitress. Apparently, Veraran off with her boyfriend the morning we left. Can you imagine so much happening in just a coupla days?”

Libby pictured poor Penny trying to keep her business running when she was short two waitresses. The woman had always been good to her and didn’t even hesitate when she asked for time off to come to Red Rocks, but now Penny must be exhausted. And Robby sick, the little sweetheart. The realities of life slapped her like a hand across the face. The past twenty-four hours had been the best in her life, but now it seemed to be time for her dream trip to end.

“When do you want to leave?” Libby struggled to keep the sadness from her voice. She and Peter hadn’t figured out the future yet. She didn’t want to leave him, but with everything going on, knew she couldn’t stay, either.

“Oh, honey, we can wait till tomorrow. I don’t want to spoil your reunion with that hottie boy of yours. Darn, you didn’t tell me he could melt chocolate with those smoking good looks. You’re the luckiest girl I know.”

Libby smiled at her remarks. Lucky, yes, despite all the loss and pain in her past. Just then, Peter let himself into the suite. His eyes glittered with excitement.

“Hi, DarLynn,” he greeted her.

“Hi there yourself.” DarLynn smiled coyly.

He crossed the room to Libby. “I talked to my mom and dad, and we’ve got it all worked out.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“Us. Our plans.”