“The tour is really crazy, and it’s too hard to keep things going with you when he needs to be working. So, anyway, he won’t be calling anymore, and it would be best if you don’t call him, either.”
Suddenly, her world moved in slow motion. This could not be happening. “What are you saying? Is Peter breaking up with me?” Libby’s chest tightened. This made no sense.
Garrett was wrong. Peter loved her. In a few more days, he was coming to get her. They had a plan. He was eighteen now, and she would travel with him.
Garrett cleared his throat again. “Yeah. That’s pretty much it.”
Libby couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t imagine Peter asking Garrett to be the one to break her heart. She needed to hear it from Peter. “Let me talk to him. Give Peter the phone.”
“He’s not here. He left already. Look, Peter and I don’t always get along, but we’re devoted to the band. This is business; it’s not personal.”
She found it difficult to breathe.
“Peter would never do this. He’s coming to get me in three days. We have a plan. You’re lying!”
“Whatever plans you think he made with you aren’t going to happen. It’s over, Libby. He had fun, you had fun, but don’t you read the tabloids? This happens all the time. He has more important things to do than hang out with some girl from Hicksville.”
“That’s not true. He loves me,” she cried.
“Whoa. Back it up. What fantasy world are you living in? What makes you think someone like Peter would be in love with you? He has everything. He doesn’t need you, and he’s done hanging out in your small-town world. It’s over. Now you need to go crawl back in your little shed. Peter doesn’t want you anymore.”
“Garrett, don’t do this,” she pleaded. “I need to talk to Peter. He would never break up this way. He’s better than that.”
“Listen up. You have no idea how important he is in this industry. He has far more meaningful things to do than run off to see you all the time. You’re holding him back. You were lucky to know him at all.”
Her nerves were at a breaking point. One more strain would split the thread, and she would unravel. If what Garrett said was true, she’d never speak to Peter again. He was right; she was lucky to have known Peter. He changed her world for the better. She prayed Garrett was wrong, but what if he wasn’t? Tears rolled down her face. She tried to hold herself together. If Peter wanted to break up, she didn’t want to be the girl who begged and never let go. He’d been so good to her, and he deserved better.
“Do me one favor?” she asked.
“I told you, he doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“I know, just give him a message, please,” Libby pleaded again as she hid next to the barn behind the house.
“What?” he answered flatly.
She swiped the tears with her arm.
“Tell him . . .” She paused, trying to find the right words. “Tell him, he saved me. And that it’s okay, I get it.”
She knew it sounded stupid, but it was the truth. He’d saved her from the depths of depression. Tears poured down her face. She swiped her arm across her nose. She never expectedshe and Peter would last forever, but how could he end it like this?
Garrett stayed silent on the other end.
“Garrett? Please tell him for me. Please.” She sobbed, gulping for breath.
“Yeah, whatever. I gotta go.” The phone clicked dead.
She wanted to call back but knew Garrett wouldn’t put her through. She leaned against the side of the barn and covered her face with her hands. A tidal wave of anguish crashed over her. She slid into the tall grass, and sobs of grief escaped. She shouldn’t have assumed a life with Peter could be real. It was a fantasy now ripped apart.
Life couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Peter slid his room key in the door, and a soft click and a green light appeared. He let himself in the hotel suite to find Garrett alone with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“What’s up?” Peter asked.
“Taking care of some business.” Garrett stared at Peter and didn’t look away.