Miss Orman brushed through Libby’s hair; her summer highlights still shimmered. Libby closed her eyes and imagined it was Mom who held the brush and hummed as she worked. Perhaps she peered down from the heavens to guide Libby through this memorable day.
“Have you decided which dress?”
Miss Orman had borrowed two dresses from a friend’s daughter. Libby didn’t care if she wore a used dress; she was ecstatic to be going. Plus, the dresses were beautiful.
“I like the pink-and-brown one.” It fit close to her body and then flowed loosely over her hips and legs. The top tied behind her neck like a halter top and revealed her back. The front showed just the right amount of cleavage. She felt as if she had transformed into a beautiful girl when she tried it on.
“That’s my favorite, too. I like how the patterns swirl together. Plus, you look amazing in it. Any boy would be crazy not to fall at your feet,” Miss Orman said, using the curling iron on Libby’s long locks.
“You think so?” Libby blushed, but for once it was out of excitement instead of humiliation.
She wondered what it would be like to spend an entire evening with Peter, dancing in his arms and letting theworld see they belonged together. After losing her family, she gave up on her dreams, but now, with Peter in her life, everything had changed. He made dreaming possible again.
“The boys at school won’t know who you are. Everyone is so used to shy, quiet you. I can just imagine how surprised they will be to see you. You are going to have a great time.” Miss Orman tugged on a lock of Libby’s hair and smiled.
They continued their preparations and chatted away the time. Libby and Peter wouldn’t be going out to dinner. He couldn’t get there until shortly after the dance started, but she didn’t care. It was a miracle he could attend at all. Miss Orman offered to drive, since she was a chaperone for the night. Even Aunt Marge cooperated in allowing the night to happen. Everything fell perfectly into place.
After they split a pizza, and Libby put the final touches on her makeup, Miss Orman zipped her into the beautiful dress. Libby barely recognized herself in the full-length mirror. A gorgeous young woman stood poised and confident before her. Libby turned to Miss Orman in disbelief.
“You look stunning,” Miss Orman said.
Libby flung herself into the woman’s arms. “Thank you.”
“It’s all you.” Miss Orman hugged her warmly. “And it’sbeen there all the time. Now, when do I finally get to meet this mystery man?”
Just then Libby’s phone rang. They looked at each other and laughed.
*. *. *
“I’m here! We just landed.” Peter carried a small duffel bag over his shoulder and a bag with Libby’s corsage of pink roses and daisies in his hand.
Roger walked ahead of him up the gangway as they exited the plane.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe this is really happening.” Libby’s voice bubbled from his phone.
“I know, me neither. I told you we’d figure this out.” His excitement rivaled hers.
“So how much longer?”
“About an hour if we drive the speed limit, forty-five minutes if I have anything to say about it.” He wanted Libby in his arms. This long-distance thing was killing him, but she was worth it.
“Guess I better get going or you’ll beat me there. I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face when you walk in. Good thing you have Roger with you.”
“Roger loves his job so much right now. He can’t wait to get there and try out his dance moves with the high school set. Wait till you see what he’s wearing.”
Roger turned and growled at Peter. The only dress jacket they could find at the last minute to fit his large frame was dark purple velvet. He looked like a flashback from the disco era.
Libby giggled. “Well, hurry up.”
Roger stopped him as they entered the gate area. A serious-looking airport official and security guard approached.
“Hey, I gotta go, something’s up, probably some security thing. I’ll see you in an hour.”
He ended the call and stepped forward to speak to the official.
The loud bass from the cover band pumped into the corridor.