I hope.
Chapter 15
The clubhouse is abuzz with excitement. Today, Preacher and Ailbhe find out what the gender of their baby will be. I'm happy for my brother, but I can't lie, I'm fucking devastated that there's still no sign of Mallory. After speaking with Freddie last night, I thought she'd have been here. Fuck, I need to know if she's okay. She's been hiding for months, and I know it's because she's in trouble.
I'm giving her until Preach and Ailbhe's gender reveal thing is over and then I'm getting Freddie on it. He's here today, as is Maverick.
"Yo, Rap, any word on Mallory yet?" Shadow asks, his voice a little distorted from the laptop. The brothers in New York are on a video call with us. They're waiting for the news just as those who are here are. Not to mention, the Gallaghers are here too. They seem to have adopted Ailbhe and her siblings.
"Not yet," I say through gritted teeth. I don't want to get into this shit now.
"They're here," Hustler says with a big grin. "Fifty on it bein' a boy," he says.
I shake my head. That kid doesn't stop trying to hustle. Everyone is used to his shit by now and no one will take him up on it.
The door opens and everyone goes quiet as we wait for Preach and Ailbhe to let us in on the news. "So?" Py asks as they take a seat, not letting them have a moment to collect themselves.
"It's a boy," Preacher announces, and the pride in his voice makes me smile. I'm happy for my brother. So fucking happy for him.
Cheers sound throughout the clubhouse and over the laptop. Everyone's celebrating and joyful. Preacher pulls Ailbhe onto his lap and kisses her. He's so fucking in love. The fucker almost lost it all, but he sorted his shit out and is three months sober now.
Freddie slides onto the seat beside me, his leather jacket creaking with each movement. "Still no word?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.
I shake my head, the knot in my stomach tightening. "Nothin'. You sure she was comin'?"
"Trust me," Freddie says, his gray eyes piercing into mine, "she's coming, and when she does, you've got a lot of shit to talk about."
Of that, I have no fucking doubt. My mind races with all the things I need to say to her.
"If she doesn't turn up, I want her address—" I begin, but my words are cut off by the sudden sound of the clubhouse doors crashing open.
"Fuck," I hear Maverick growl from across the room. My gaze snaps to the door, and my entire body freezes when I see Mallory stagger in. She's clutching her arm close to her body, her face a bloody mess, and there's so much blood covering her that I don't know where it's all coming from.
"Raptor," she croaks out, her voice barely above a whisper as she collapses to the floor. "Help."
My heart lurches as I rush toward her, my boots pounding against the concrete floor. "Mallory?" I growl out her name as I kneel beside her. She's unmoving. She's fucking not moving.
Fuck. What the fuck happened? Who did this to her?
I scoop Mallory into my arms, her body limp and blood staining my cut as I carry her toward the nearest table. Everyone jumps into action. The women take the kids from the room, while my brothers rush outside to see if they can find out what the fuck happened.
Freddie is by my side in an instant, his jaw clenched tight as he surveys Mallory's injuries. "Fuck," he growls, his fists balling up in anger.
"Maverick O'Hara," Callie hisses at her brother. "You had better start talking. What the hell happened to that poor girl?"
The room is silent as I brush my hand over Mallory, checking for injuries. I feel helpless. I'm not a fucking doctor. How the fuck am I supposed to know what the hell is wrong?
"Everyone who isn't a patched member, out," Pyro shouts. This is now club business and anyone who isn't a fully patched member of the Fury Vipers isn't allowed to be here.
"Py, man," I say low. "She needs a doctor."
A heavy hand lands on my shoulder. "We've got one coming," Wrath assures me. "Bozo's friend is a doctor. She's going to help. Rest assured, brother, we're going to find out what the fuck is going on."
I turn and see Denis strolling into the room, his wife no longer here, nor is his daughter, Chloe. "Someone had better start talking," he says thickly. "Freddie and Maverick, the two of you know something, so fucking spill it."
Freddie runs a hand through his dark brown hair. "Last night, I met Mallory. It's been a while. She told us a lot ofwhat went down and where she's been. Raptor, man, I know she wanted to be the one to tell you. But that's fucked now. About six months ago, Mallory was out one night. While she was out, her and a friend of hers were accosted by a fucking O'Leary?—"