His words filter through my panic. "What?" I croak, trying to regain my breath.
"Raptor," he says evenly. "He's in Dublin, been living here for the past six months."
"What?" I breathe. "He's here?"
He frowns. "You didn't know?"
I shake my head. "No, I've been hiding."
His eyes narrow. "Why?"
"Micah O'Leary found out I was there that night," I confess softly, knowing Jess is going to tell Stephen and Jer anyway. It's only a matter of time before they tell Freddie.
"Christ, that fucker. What's he done?"
I shake my head. "Where is Raptor?"
"At the Fury Vipers clubhouse," he says. "But don't think you're going to get away without telling me what the fuck's going on. Mallory, what the hell has that cunt done to you?"
I once again shake my head. "I don't want Jess to know," I tell him quietly. "She feels guilty enough as it is. Me and my baby are in hiding so he doesn't find us, Freddie. The day I came home from the hospital with Shay, that animal broke into our home."
His nostrils flare. "What did he do?"
I pull the neckline of my dress down a little, showing him part of the scar I have. "He threatened me; held a knife to my throat while my son lay asleep in the crib beside me. He sliced me open and stabbed me. He blames me for what happened to his brother."
His jaw clenches. "He'll not hurt you again."
I give him a sad smile. "He's in hiding, Freddie. Over the past three months, he's found me four times. The man isn't going to stop until he kills me."
He pulls me into his arms. "Trust me," he says thickly, "he's not going to fucking touch you again."
I don't respond. He has no way of knowing that. There's no way in hell he can assure me of that. I can't trust anyone but myself to keep my son safe.
Tomorrow, I'll see Raptor. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to help keep Shay and Ma safe.
Chapter 14
It's almost midnight and the party is finally over. Stephen and Jess left a little while ago, while Jer, Maverick, and Freddie decided to enjoy the festivities and drink more alcohol than necessary.
"Mav, Freddie, do either of you need a lift home?" I ask as I reach for my cell.
I had planned on going home when Stephen and Jess left, but Ma persuaded me to stay a little longer. She's enjoying having the house to herself—what she actually means is that she likes the alone time with Shay. As I know my son is safe, I stayed. Now, I'm wanting to go home, snuggle with my son, and go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be an emotionally charged day and there's no way I can do it without getting some sleep.
I'm worried about what Raptor's going to say. He's going to be angry. I get that and I'm expecting it. I fucked up, majorly, by not telling him about Shay, but I'm hoping he'll be interested in getting to know his son.
"Yes," Mav slurs. "Although, we should be the ones bringing you home," he says as he gets to his feet. "Why didn't you tell any of us what the fuck was happening?"
I shrug, feeling self conscious. "I didn't tell anyone."
"Stupid," Freddie says as he downs the last of his whiskey. "So stupid."
"Shut up, Freddie," Maverick hisses, before turning back to me. "You should have told Jess or Chloe. They'd have told us and we'd have helped."
"Both Chloe and Jess have been through enough pain and suffering. Telling them about me would only add to it. So no, neither of them are ever going to know the full extent of what's going on."
"You women," Jer says, shaking his head. "You need to tell us when you're in danger. How the fuck are we supposed to help?"