I glance at her. She's worried. I get it. Whenever we leave the house, we're on edge, wondering when Micah's going to show his face. Over the past three months, he's found me on four separate occasions. Each time he finds me, he beats me until I'm on the verge of unconsciousness and then flees. In the past three months I've had a broken nose, broken arm, and a broken leg, not to mention I’ve been stabbed on multiple occasions. Micah wasn't lying when he told me he was going to break me. I'm so fucking frightened to leave the house, scared that he's right behind me, ready to attack when he feels like it.
"I'm okay, Ma, just been busy." It's not a lie. With Ma working from home, she's not able to earn as much as she used to, and with three mouths to feed now, along with having to save money away for a rainy day, things have become tight. I began looking for a job not long after Shay was born, and I found one. It suits me perfectly. I can work from home and work around Ma and Shay.
"This job," she says as she takes a seat on the bed, her voice soft so as not to wake Shay, who's sleeping soundly in his crib. "Are you sure it's safe?"
I glance at my son. His face is content as he sleeps. It's hard to believe he's three months old now. The time has gone by so fast. He's growing like a weed.
"Ma, right now it's paying the bills, and that's all that matters. No one knows my identity other than the owner and she's not going to say anything. I'm helping her out by taking these tasks off her hands."
She sighs heavily. "You're organizing hits, Mallory. It's not an easy job nor is it safe."
"I know," I whisper, hating that this was the only job I could get. "Ma, your life has been turned upside down because of me. The job you love isn't there anymore because you've had to step back to protect me. I'm doing what I can to ensure that we're all doing okay. If it means sending messages to people I don't know with details for their target, then so be it. I don't know these people and I would like to keep it that way."
She reaches for my arm. "I hate that you have to do this in the first place."
I squeeze her hand. "It gives me time to spend with Shay. Watching him grow up and getting to be here is everything I could have wanted. This job may not be for everyone, but Ma, the shit we've been through the last three months, it's made me not feel for this job. I'm good at keeping it separate from my real life."
"I'm proud of you, love. You're doing amazing, even if we are in hiding. Are you sure you're good to go tomorrow? I don't want anything to happen to you."
I smile. Tomorrow, my best friend is getting married, and I wouldn't miss it for the world. She's finally getting her happy ever after and I'm thrilled for her. I always knew she andStephen would end up together. He was the only person she was interested in, ever since she was fourteen. It's always been him. I'm just thankful he got his head out of his ass and saw that she's his. I'll always have love for Stephen. He's saved her. Her father is still alive but he's in hiding. I know that once Stephen finds him, he's going to kill him, and the day that happens I'm going to celebrate by dancing on the fucker's grave.
"Yes, I'm sure. I would never miss Jess' wedding, Mam. I'd love it if you and Shay could come, but we know that's not safe. Right now, this home is secure, and as long as only one of us leave, Shay will remain safe. I can't have him or you hurt, Ma, not for me. I'd never forgive myself."
She gives me a sad smile. "I know, sweetie. I just wish things were different. Have you tried calling Shay's dad again?"
Sadness hits me deep in the pit of my stomach. "Yeah," I whisper. The same thing happens every time I call the number. It's no longer in use. I've no way of contacting him, and I've not spoken to Chloe in a while, not wanting to bring my shit to her doorstep. She's been through enough as it is. So we text a lot. I've asked her about Raptor via text but she never replied, and I got the feeling she didn't want to talk to me about it as she changed the subject quickly, so I dropped it.
"Honey, maybe one day you'll find out how to get a hold of him."
I nod. "I'm thinking of asking my boss," I say softly. "She's amazing at locating people. I know it would cost me, but I think it'll be worth it."
Ma smiles. "I think so too. Now, get some rest. You've been awake all night. If Shay wakes up, I'll take care of him. It's been a while since I've had some snuggles with the little guy."
"Okay, Ma. Thanks."
She gets to her feet and presses a kiss to my forehead. "I love you, Mallory. Get some rest." She walks out of my room and Ido as she says. I climb into bed and lie down, my gaze on Shay, who's fast asleep. He only wakes once at night for a feed and that's usually around midnight. He won't wake again until about six or seven. Today, it's the latter.
I close my eyes, and it doesn't take long until I'm drifting off.
I helpJess fix her veil as she stares at herself in the mirror. "How?" she asks, her eyes filling with tears.
When I got the phone call three days ago to tell me that Jess was getting married, I was shocked but excited. Then Jer and Stephen demanded help with everything. They want today to be special for Jess, and I adore them so very much for that.
"Stephen and Jerry both wanted you to have a wedding dress, Jess. They wanted this day to be special for you. They called me and asked me to pick a dress you'd love. They wanted to surprise you. I'm so happy you love it." I grin at her as I explain the calls I received. "I have to admit, I was shocked when I heard you were getting married, but who you were getting married to didn’t surprise me."
Her laughter is soft and melodical. It's been a long time since I've heard her laugh so carefree. "It's always been Stephen."
I nod. Anyone could see that. "It really has. I'm glad he got his head out of his ass and has also stopped stalking you. I'm even more grateful that he saved you. I'm sorry I couldn't."
Jess shakes her head, her eyes filled with horror. "No," she whispers as tears shine in her eyes. "You were my rock, Mal. You've always been my rock. Where's my handsome nephew?"
I glance away, hating that I couldn't bring him with me. The guilt that I have is real. I feel so much guilt for having to hide him away from the world because of the shit I'm in.
"Mal," Jess whispers. "What's going on?"
I blink away the tears. I will not cry. This is her day. I'm not ruining it. "It's fine. You're getting married today. That's a joyous occasion."
"No," she says adamantly, reaching out and gripping my hands. "Mallory, what's going on? Talk to me, please."