Page 29 of Raptor

"Brother, it's been months?—"

I spear him with a glare. "Don't," I warn once again. "Don't fuckin' go there, Wrath. Not ever."

He holds his hands up and sighs. "Okay. So what's the plan then?"

"Just like that?" I ask, wondering why he's changing his tune.

"Just like that," he confirms. "I've known you a long time, Rap. You've never been like this over a woman. So yeah, it's that simple. So what's the plan?"

I don't fucking know. "I have Freddie searching for her. The last two times he had a lead, he missed her by days. I'm telling you, brother, I know she's in trouble. The way she's movin', not stayin' too long, always in different places, it's like she's on the run."

"What's Chloe and Jess said?" he asks, his gaze intense.

I'm just fucking relieved that he's not pushing that 'leave her be' bullshit.

"They talk to her. It's a very quick check in, according to Chloe. Jess is currently in hidin', from what Maverick has said, and that's not to be repeated to anyone. Chloe doesn't know."

His brows knit together. "Py thinks that's wise?"

I nod. "After the shit Chloe went through when she was kidnapped, she still has nightmares. The shit Jess has been through will trigger her. Jess has been tortured, from what Maverick's said. He's keeping me updated on what Jess is saying about Mallory."

He nods. "Then, brother, it's time to pass a message along to Jess. Let her know that you're in town and looking for Mallory. Why not cut the middle man? We both know Jess won't keep that to herself. From what I'm gettin' from this, Mallory and Jess are thick as thieves. I'm reckonin' Jess knows a lot more than she's lettin' on. What do you think?"

"Yeah, but the woman is holed up with Stephen Maguire, Wrath. What do you think 'the Eraser' is goin' to do if I push back against his woman?"

"I'd think that a man who's woman's been tortured would know what it feels like to know your woman's on the run andhidin'. Surely he'd be receptive to findin' out information for us?"

"I have Freddie on it. I'll talk to Maverick and have him ask her to let Mallory know that I'm in town. If that fails, then we'll go to Stephen."

Wrath nods. "Good. We'll find her, Rap. We're goin’ to fuckin' find her. Have no doubt about that."

I just hope that I find her in time. Things around here have been crazy. Preach found his woman, Ailbhe. She's pregnant with his kid, not to mention taking care of her siblings. Of course, when Preacher found out she was pregnant, he lost his shit and was an ass. He flew back to New York, and while he was there, his woman got worked over. Thankfully, that bastard was dealt with and Preacher is doing a lot fucking better. He's no longer living in the past, worried about what could happen. He's present for Ailbhe and her siblings.

"The question, brother, is what condition is she goin' to be in when we do find her?"

His silence is more than enough for me. Yeah, shit's going down with Mallory. I know it is. I'm fucking worried that she could be dead before I find her.

I just need to see her, make sure she's doing okay. That's all I fucking want.

Christ, I'm losing my damn mind. I can't focus. I can't do shit but worry about my woman.

I'm standingat the door of the strip club. I'm working the door. It's a Saturday night and the drunks are out looking for a good time. It's almost closing, and Bozo's inside with Tank, making sure the women are safe while I'm out here.

Over the past six months, I've come to know the new patched members. They're great additions to the club. Bozo is smart as a whip. The fucker could be a rocket scientist if he wanted. Tank is quiet and sullen, but he's not a dick about it. Then there's Cowboy. He's quick to smile and quick to flirt; a real charmer all the women love, including the club whores. The other new member is Hustler. The name speaks for itself. He was on the verge of going to prison for his schemes. The fucker can't go a day without trying to hustle someone.

When Rush arrives, he'll fit in nicely. The vote happened the day after I arrived in Dublin and it was unanimously voted for. Rush will soon be a member of the Fury Vipers Dublin chapter. That's not to say that there wasn’t anger at his decision, especially from Digger. He was shocked when he found out Rush wanted to leave. But Ace set him straight, and in turn the shit died down. Rush is due out here any day now, and the brothers here are excited.

"Raptor, just the man I'm looking for." I hear a thick Dublin accent and turn to my right to see Freddie Kinnock striding toward me. "Your woman knows you're in town. Let me just say, I've never seen a woman smile as widely as Mallory did when she learned that tidbit. I reckon you have about twenty-four hours before she tracks you down. Good luck, man, you're in for a treat." He doesn't hang around and wait for me to speak. He turns on his heel while laughing away to himself.

My heart races. Fuck. Could it be true? Is she finally coming around?

I guess tomorrow will bring the answers.

Chapter 13


"Hey, sweetie, you doing okay?" Ma asks as she places a cup of tea on my desk. "You've barely slept."