Page 99 of Redeeming

“Oh gross,” Bellamy gags. “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.”

I laugh out loud. “What the hell is wrong with you, Lucky?”

He peeks inside my bag, probably seeing it’s baby clothes and not food, and loses interest, then kisses my cheek before he waggles his eyebrows at Bellamy. “She wants me.”

“She,” Bellamy cackles, “is five years older than you and not at all interested in teaching a little boy how to please a woman.”

Lucky acts like he just took a shot to the heart when he covers it with both hands.

“You’re gonna have to find someone else to be your Mrs. Robinson, Lucky.”

“Your loss, B.” He keeps his eyes locked on her until Callen walks into the room and shoves him away.

“You’re freaking her the fuck out, kid.” He wraps an arm around my back and rests the other on my basketball bump as he drops a kiss to the top of my head. “Did you have fun, kitten?”

And I absolutely melt in his arms.

I wasn’t sure how I’d be able to let go of my anger after holding on to it for so long, but with him, it’s harder to hold on to the anger than it is to let go.

Scary as hell. But Callen Sinclair is worth it.

“Dude,you’refreaking me the fuck out. That’s just weird shit. Does she purr too?”

Before Callen or I can laugh at my brother’s stupidity, Bellamy interrupts, “And... thank you for proving my point. If you can’t make a woman purr, you don’t know what you’re doing in bed, little Beneventi.”

“The fuck? Little? I’m bigger than Rome and Maddox,” Lucky argues as my other brothers both walk into the room, and I stand frozen in place.

Maddoxishere. I know his car is here, but the last time we were all in one place, fists were thrown, and words were thrown. I’m not even sure what to think when Rome grabs his junk and laughs at Lucky. “Keep dreaming.”


Maddox ignores the comment and slaps him on the back. “Come on. Let’s leave them alone.” He smiles at me, then looks at Callen. “I’ll see you at Crucible.”

Callen gives him a chin tip, and my brothers leave as Bellamy laughs. “I expect to be updated tomorrow.”

She drops packages on the couch and waves as she turns to leave, and Callen turns my face to his and brushes his lips over mine. “Did you have a nice time?”

“Umm...” I lick my lips, ready to jump his bones but know I need answers first. “Don’t bury the lead, Sinclair. Want to tell me what the hell my brothers were doing here and if you and Maddox broke any furniture before he left?”

He rubs his hand gently over my belly, and our daughter kicks him, hard. Which means she also kicks me hard. Callen smiles, and I wince. Men have it so easy.

“How about you come with me so I can show you the furniture we didn’t break?” He takes my hand in his, and I lean my head on his shoulder, so damn tired.

He walks me past his room. I guess it’s nowourroom. It’s the room I’ve been sleeping in for the past month. But I haven’t moved my clothes out of the one across the hall just yet. Maybe I’ll just use that one as my closet. Again, stylist and designer. I see nothing wrong with having an entire room as a closet. Callen stops me in front of the closed door next to his room and turns to face me, and he’s obviously nervous. “If you don’t like this, anything can be changed, okay?”

“Should I be scared?” I giggle. Callen isn’t usually one for dramatics, but as he pushes the door open behind him and keeps his eyes locked on me, I get it. And oh my goodness...

“Callen... You did all this?” I ask in awe. “You did the whole nursery?”

I step into the beautiful space he created for our daughter. Pale pinks and rose golds mix with the elegant white furniture I’ve been looking at for months. “How did you know?” I gasp.

“Do you like it?” He wraps a hand around the back of my neck and presses his lips to my forehead as I nod. “Your mom helped me pick out the furniture, and Everly may have told meabout the chandelier you’d been looking at. And your brothers helped me put everything together.”

I walk over to the crib and pick up the stuffed dinosaur wearing the Kings football jersey and smile. “A little touch from your family. I love it.”

Before I know it, I’m crying, and I can’t stop. “Callen... I don’t have the words. This is incredible. And my brothers... how did that happen?”

He moves me over to the pale-pink velvet Queen Ann chair and sits me down, then picks up my feet and puts them on the matching ottoman before he pulls off my ballet flats and massages my fat, swollen feet. Holy hell. This is heaven.