Us too.
We should be good.
I’ll see if Nix and Leo have a game that night and let the rest of the kids know.
I’ll check with Caitlin. But I think that should work.
Glad you got your head out of your ass, son.
Yeah. Now it can be lodged permanently up her ass.
Aiden Murphy!
Eww, Murph.
At least she’s got a great ass.
Stop looking at my woman’s ass, Coop.
Make her your wife and I will.
“Thanks, Amelia. I owe you one.” I stand in front of the counter in Sweet Temptations with a box of Caitlin’s favorite chocolate chip cookies in one hand and a stupid fucking smile on my face. “I would have never gotten a single thing right if I had to pick it out myself. I appreciate your help.”
“You’re welcome, and I’ll save that favor for later.” Amelia folds her arms over her chest with a knowing smile, and I remind myself that I didn’t make a deal with the devil, but I did just make one with his wife.
Not like he’s an actual devil... But I’m sure there are some people in this town who think so.
Cait still isn’t speaking to her father or Maddox, but Amelia has been at the house helping Caitlin get everything together for the baby. Hard to believe we’ve only got ten weeks left until we meet our baby girl.
“She’s pregnant and probably changes her mind more than any woman you’ll ever meet, Callen. Don’t beat yourself up.” She cocks her brow and smiles. “You know her coffee and cookie order. That’s a love language for Caitlin. The rest will come eventually. Nonna and I will be over at the end of the week to help her get things set up.”
She looks past me and takes a deep breath. “Do not fight in my shop.”
With that warning setting off alarms in my head, I turn in time to see Maddox walking up to the counter and groan.
“Let’s not do this today, man.” It’s been a good day, and I’d like to keep it that way.