Page 27 of Redeeming

That’s when the scent of freshly brewed Lavazza coffee tickles my nose.

Ohh. He’s good.

I turn my face to him, and he runs a finger along my temple and tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. His lips tip up on one side, as cocky as ever. “Your wish is my command, kitten.”

“You’re dressed?” I murmur as I roll over. The sheet catches, and Callen’s eyes immediately darken as my nipples tighten when they’re exposed to the cool air. He licks his lips, and I pull the sheets back up. “Down, boy. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk today as it is.”

“You weren’t complaining last night.” He puts the cup of coffee down on his nightstand and sits next to me. “I could kiss it and make it better...”

Butterflies take flight in my stomach as I trail my eyes from the beautiful Italian coffee to the beautiful man who made it for me and notice, again, that he’s fully dressed. “Why are you dressed, Callen?”

The sexy smile slips from his face, and my heart sinks with it.

“Callen... You’re only ever quiet when something’s wrong.” I sit up, and he hands me a shirt. “What’s this?”

It smells like him, and I slide it down and stand, amused at the way it hits just above my knees. There’s no way he’s ever getting this back.

Why are guys clothes always so much softer than women’s?

“Okay.” I cross my arms protectively over my chest, bracing for whatever’s coming. Time to face facts... I’ve got a pretty good idea where it’s going. “Let’s just start this fight. And pay close attention, buddy. This is going to be a fight. And if you say last night was a mistake, it’s going to be a fist fight because I’m not scared to throw hands.”

Callen laughs, and I’m not sure whether I should be relieved or angry.

“What are you laughing at?” I demand, pissed off that my happy post-seven-hour orgasmic bliss is over.

“You’re cute when you’re pissed, Cait.” He gathers my face in his hands and brushes his lips over mine, and all the fight leaves my body. “It wasn’t a mistake. But we need to talk.”

“If that’s supposed to make me relax, it’s not working,” I warn him as I wrap my arms around his waist. “Can’t we just stay in our little bubble, please, Callen? It’s not like I don’t know what you’re going to say.”

It’s also not like my heart doesn’t already hurt just thinking about it.

“It’s not that easy, Caitlin. I’ve tried to fight this thing between us for years, and you see where that got us.” He pulls me against him and rests his chin on my head. “But he’s my best friend, and I’ve got to talk to him before you and I can?—”

“Can what?” I interrupt as anger and frustration battle with an overwhelming feeling of impending loss. A loss I’m not sure I’ll survive. How can it have been one night when it feels like a lifetime. “What, Callen? We haven’t had twenty-four hours to figure out what aweis and if we even want awe. How about you take the time to figure that out with me before you worry about how it’s going to affect Maddox.”

He runs his hands over my hair, and I fight the chill that skirts down my spine.

“He lives here, Cait. He’s going to know right away something’s going on. I can’t let him walk into that. I’ve got to talk to him.” His voice is firm and steady, and if he thinks he’s leaving little room for argument, then maybe he doesn’t know me all that well.

I try to push away, but Callen’s arms are like a steel vice locked in place.

“If you talk to Maddox right now, I swear, Callen, it will be for nothing because I will never talk to you again.”

“Caitlin...” he groans and loosens his hold on me.

“I know he’s your best friend, and I know you’re loyal. I get it, I swear.” I take a step back, still in his arms but able to see his face now. Needing him to see how serious I am because I’m not sure I’ll ever have enough lady balls to get through this again, and I need to see his face when I do. “This is my life. Your life. Not his. I’m the one standing here, in your room, wearing your clothes, with the taste of your cum still on my lips from last night. My feelings matter more than Maddox’s do right now. And if you don’t agree with that or can’t see that, then you’re not the man I thought you were.”

“Sounds like an ultimatum, Cait.” A muscle twitches as a hard line sets in his sharp jaw.

“It’s really not. I know you and Maddox are you and Maddox. But if you want there to be a you and me—which, by the way, we haven’t even discussed because you came in here, guns a’blazing...” I look over at the untouched coffee sitting on the nightstand and wonder how this morning spiraled so quickly. “Not that I thought we needed to have that conversation this morning, or today... or at least before you let me drink my coffee. Whatever. What I’m saying is I’m not backing down to him for once in my life. And I swear to God, if you do, you’re wasting your breath because I won’t be here when you’re done.”

The alarm on my phone goes off, and I have to hunt through our piles of clothes to find it.

“Shit. I’ve got a meeting this morning I can’t miss.”

I refuse to admit the pain I’m feeling in my chest is my heart cracking in two and look at Callen from across the room. “I’ve got to get showered and get moving. Ball’s in your court, Callen. What are you going to do with it? Run or score?”

“I love when you fuck up football, kitten.” He wraps his hands around my head and pulls me to him. “They’re back at the end of this week. I’ve got to talk to him before that.”