Page 21 of Before It Was Love

Darn it. I’d love to catch a glimpse of Flynn all hot and sweaty. Hot and sweatyandnaked. Preferably while laying in a bed. But a shower is okay, too.

Paisley leans close to me. “Your heart rate has increased, and your cheeks are flush,” she whispers.

I push her away. “Knock it off, nerd.”

“The muscle has arrived to help us move you!” Chloe announces.

“Um, I haven’t agreed to live with Flynn yet.”

He frowns. “Where else are you going to stay?”

I huff. “I wish everyone would stop making me sound desperate.”

“If you don’t want to sound desperate, you probably shouldn’t have thrown down with a mermaid,” Maya mutters. She’s wicked funny when no one’s around but shy around people she doesn’t know well.

“Fake tits totally deserved it.”

“Because she called you a bitch?” Flynn asks.

I nod. “Exactly.”

“Duly noted.” He chuckles as he picks up my suitcases. “Where are we going? My house or are you chicken?”

I narrow my eyes on him. “Be nice or I’ll trick my parents into using tequila at drunk poker.”

He shivers. “I don’t understand the appeal of tequila.”

Chloe bounces on her toes. “I love tequila. One tequila. You’re a bore. Two tequilas. Not so boring anymore.”

“Well.” Flynn lifts the suitcases. “Where will it be?”

“I’d go with Flynn.” Nova wiggles her eyebrows. “He’s sexy.”

Which is the problem and she knows it. I narrow my eyes at her.

“What? Are you denying Flynn is sexy?”

“Mayor Lana thinks he’s sexy,” Chloe says.

“Lana thinks every man with a pulse is sexy,” I point out.

“But she doesn’t stuff underwear down the toilet for any other man,” Chloe says.

Flynn sighs. “It’s not funny.”

Maya giggles. Her eyes widen when she realizes she’s giggling out loud and she slaps a hand over her mouth.

“It’s amusing because you’re a large man. Imagining you holding a dainty piece of lingerie is an exaggeration beyond the boundaries of normality.”

“Paisley the nerd strikes again,” Chloe mutters.

Nova pushes her. “Be nice. Paisley is our friend, and her random facts are interesting.”

Chloe rolls her eyes. “According to you, Ms. Optimistic No Matter What.”

“Being happy doesn’t hurt anyone.”

Weston enters the apartment with his arm around a woman. He scans the room. “I thought you’d be gone by now.”