He’s made it clear what an idiot I am every night for the past week. Trying to sleep with a raging hard-on for the woman down the hall who you can’t touch isn’t fun.
“Stop pacing.”
“I don’t enjoy being caged up.”
“Neither do I but I’m being calm about it.”
“I’m calm.”
She rolls her eyes. “Calm? You’ve slapped the desk five times.”
I realize my hand is raised and ready to hit the desk for the sixth time. Crap. She’s right.
“How the hell are you handling this better than me?”
“Excuse me?” She glances up to glare at me. “Oh, right. I forgot. I’m just Weston’s little sister. I’m too delicate to handle confrontation.”
“I never said you were delicate.”
“No. You just ignored me for a week after speaking to Weston.”
“I’m not ignoring you. I’m figuring things out.”
“Figuring things out?” She jumps up from her seat. “You promised me – promised me! – you wouldn’t let your friendship with Weston ruin our relationship.”
I flinch. “Weston didn’t handle learning about our relationship very well.”
She guffaws. “And this surprised you? You’re his best friend. You should know he doesn’t react well when he doesn’t get his way. Don’t you remember when Dad told him he wouldn’t pay for motorcycle lessons? Weston wasn’t giving up. He spent the entire summer working evenings as a lifeguard after workingall day at the hardware store to pay for the lessons. My brother is pigheaded.”
“He’s also my best friend.”
“Trust me. I know. I’ve spent a decade watching you run away from me because you were afraid of how Weston would react.”
I can’t deny it. “He’s my only family.”
“He’s your only family?” Tears well in her eyes. “What about me? And my parents?”
“Weston is a brother to me.”
A tear escapes down her cheek and she wipes it away with the back of her hand.
“I understand Weston means the world to you, but guess what? You are my world. If you’d let me, I’d give you everything you’ve ever wanted. Love, acceptance, family, a place to call home. All you have to do is reach for it. I’m here.”
She reaches out her hand, but I can’t take it.
“Weston gave me an ultimatum. Him or you.”
The tears are flowing down her face now. “And you chose him. You didn’t fight for me.” Her shoulders drop. “Maybe you should leave.”
“I didn’t choose him. I didn’t choose anyone.”
Her eyes flash with pain. “I love you, Flynn, but I don’t like you very much right now. Please leave.”
What? I freeze. Sophia loves me? How can she possibly love me? I put her through hell this past week and she still offered me the world.
Fuck. I love her. She’s my sunshine. My laughter. My world.
“I…” I trail off. I don’t know how to tell her I love her. I’ve never told anyone I’ve loved them before. And I still haven’t dealt with Weston. I can’t declare my love for her until her brother accepts us together.